Friday, February 27, 2009
Our first week back
This week year four has been doing all sorts of things. For example , in art we've been learning how to sew . We also started reading Matilda by Roald Dahl. We are doing a new dance this week in P.E. We have been going caterham to do P.E . In numeracy we have been doing bar charts and learning our times tables. We have had a great week!!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Dear Semua Fans Miyabi WEB BLOG telah Pindah ke
silahkan di klik untuk masuk BRO semua Salam Maria !!!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Kelly Clarkson worked numerous odd jobs during and after high school
Kelly Clarkson also worked for Papa John's, Subway, 6 Flags Over Texas, Starbucks, and sold vacuums door to door (her latter experience which she described with a well-intended pun: "It sucked.").
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Kelly Clarkson - School and Sing
In 7th grade, a teacher (Mrs. Cynthia Glenn) overheard Clarkson's singing in a hallway and asked Clarkson to audition for the school choir. She told the teacher that Clarkson had never received professional vocal training.
In high school, Kelly Clarkson performed in musicals such as Annie Get Your Gun, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and Brigadoon. Around this time, she decided to pursue singing. Clarkson sang at her high school talent show, after which a gentleman shared some inspiring words with her: "God has given you this gift. You've got to sing. You're destined to sing."
Kelly Clarkson did continue to sing and soon started classical training, hoping that music would be her ticket to a college scholarship.
Friday, February 13, 2009
china week
china week
In china week we have been making lucky envolopes and wonderful paper cuts.We also had to make a chinese flower plants and we made 3d flowers as well.On 13th of Februaury we had to wear red clothes and some people are dressed up as witches.
book week
This week class 4m have been working very hard in literacy, trying to impress our teacher Mrs Manson. We have been writing interesting storys with our amazing skills. The person with the best story wins a prize. We have also been finishing off our chinese flowers that are very bright and colourful. On friday we are dressing up as book characters from the Witches. Next week is half term YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Kelly Clarkson - Family and Early Life
Kelly Clarkson is of part Greek ancestry. Her siblings include Clarkson's brother Jason, and Clarkson's sister Alyssa.
When she was 6 years old, Clarkson's parents split up after 17 years of marriage. As a result, Clarkson's brother went to live with Clarkson's father, Clarkson's sister went to live with an aunt, and she remained with Clarkson's mother.
She frequently moved around Texas while Kelly's mother managed several professions in order to support the family. The family settled in Burleson, where Kellys's mother married her 2nd husband, Jimmy Taylor.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Album baru MUSE ke 5 akan segera rilis???
Berhubung aku ngefans ma MUSE, aku daftar di Sebuah situs resmi MUSE untuk para penggemarnya selain situs Di situs ini sobat bisa mendapatkan info terbaru dari MUSE, download mp3 live MUSE, wallpaper,dll. Barusan aku buka emailku dan aku dapat info dari album MUSE yang baru akan segera rilis dan sekarang lagi dalam tahap penggarapan...!!!
Duhhh..jadi gak sabar neh. Pengen tau gimana musik MUSE di album barunya. Dan aku yakin,pasti ada sesuatu yg baru yang akan MUSE berikan. Oya, kiriman newsletter dari :
Dari keterangan newsletter tersebut, diperkirakan album baru akan rilis pada September '09. Sekarang baru bulan Februari. Masih 7 bulan lagi. Lama juga,hehehehe... Tapi aku akan tetep bersabar menantinya,halah....
Duhhh..jadi gak sabar neh. Pengen tau gimana musik MUSE di album barunya. Dan aku yakin,pasti ada sesuatu yg baru yang akan MUSE berikan. Oya, kiriman newsletter dari :

Apa beda theme dan template
Apa beda theme dan template?? Sering kita temui kalo untuk WordPress dinamakan Theme dan untuk blogger (blogspot) dan site dinamakan Template. Aku coba Googling tapi gak ketemu. Kalopun ada jawabannya gak memuaskan,haiah..
Apakah karena strukturnya yg beda?? Apakah karena source code nya?? Apakah karena cocok pas pengucapan?? Apakah karena sudah dari sananya??opoo..kuii.... Apakah karena sudah dipatenkan?? haiah.. Apakah karena...apakah apa ya??hehehehhehee... Atau ga da bedanya??
Mungkin sobat bisa bantu??
Apakah karena strukturnya yg beda?? Apakah karena source code nya?? Apakah karena cocok pas pengucapan?? Apakah karena sudah dari sananya??opoo..kuii.... Apakah karena sudah dipatenkan?? haiah.. Apakah karena...apakah apa ya??hehehehhehee... Atau ga da bedanya??
Mungkin sobat bisa bantu??
Kecanduan merusak template
Lama juga gak posting. Bukannya males ngeblog tapi lagi seneng ma maenan baru nih. Maenan apakah itu?? yang pasti maen mobil2an,kelereng,hehehheee... Beberapa hari ini asik ngutak-ngutik template yang menurut aku bagus. Upss..merusak template, hehehehhe..
Tau neh,ada setan apa yg masuk hingga seneng "ngrusak" template. Aku sendiri gak tau apa itu html atau code2 yang ada di template cuma aku modif aja,haiah.. Entah itu post body nya aku kecilin atau aku lebarin. Entah itu sidebar nya yg aku modif.. Yuppzz..modif standar aja karena aku tau kemampuanku,heheheee... Dari Googling yang aku lakukan,banyak situs2 atau blog yang mengajarkan cara buat template atau modif template tapi aku kalo soal itu masih males dan belum berminat jadinya modif standar aja lah.. yang standar aja dah pusing,apalagi yang ekstrim,halah...
Untuk modifnya sendiri,blog yang aku jadikan kelinci percobaan adalah blog Review Web/Blog dan blog ku (blog ini mah jangan) yang lain yang menurutku aku males buat postingnya,hehehehee..(pertamanya aja rajin posting, seterusnya males..hahahahahhaa..) Hasil modif nya gak aku jadikan template blog. Kalo udah ngrasa puas, aku rusak lagi dengan template2 yang aku pikir bagus,hehehheee...
Demikian posting hari ini. aku ireng_ajah melaporkan secara live,hohohohohoooo...
Tau neh,ada setan apa yg masuk hingga seneng "ngrusak" template. Aku sendiri gak tau apa itu html atau code2 yang ada di template cuma aku modif aja,haiah.. Entah itu post body nya aku kecilin atau aku lebarin. Entah itu sidebar nya yg aku modif.. Yuppzz..modif standar aja karena aku tau kemampuanku,heheheee... Dari Googling yang aku lakukan,banyak situs2 atau blog yang mengajarkan cara buat template atau modif template tapi aku kalo soal itu masih males dan belum berminat jadinya modif standar aja lah.. yang standar aja dah pusing,apalagi yang ekstrim,halah...
Untuk modifnya sendiri,blog yang aku jadikan kelinci percobaan adalah blog Review Web/Blog dan blog ku (blog ini mah jangan) yang lain yang menurutku aku males buat postingnya,hehehehee..(pertamanya aja rajin posting, seterusnya males..hahahahahhaa..) Hasil modif nya gak aku jadikan template blog. Kalo udah ngrasa puas, aku rusak lagi dengan template2 yang aku pikir bagus,hehehheee...
Demikian posting hari ini. aku ireng_ajah melaporkan secara live,hohohohohoooo...
Friday, February 6, 2009
Kelly Brianne Clarkson
Kelly Clarkson made her debut under RCA Records after Clarkson won the highly-publicized 1st season of the tv series American Idol in 2002.
Clarkson was originally marketed as a pop musician with her debut album Thankful (2003). With the release of her multi-platinum 2nd album, Breakaway (2004), She moved to a more pop rock–oriented style of music.
Kelly Clarkson's 3rd album, entitled My December, was released on June 26, 2007. Clarkson has sold over 17 million albums worldwide. She has had 9 of her singles becoming Top 10 hits on the Billboard Hot 100.
In 2008, Kelly Clarkson joined VH1's list of 10 s_xiest women of the new millennium at #8. Clarkson also hit #28 on Vh1's Top 30 Hottest Rock Front Women. As of 2008 she is one of the 10 most played artists on adult contemporary radio.
Her 4th album titled All I Ever Wanted is due out on March 10, 2009. On January 28, 2009, it was announced that her latest single, "My Life Would Suck Without You", had advanced to No. 1 on the Hot 100, breaking the record for the largest leap to the position in chart history.
Snow, glorious snow!!!!!!
Despite such a short week, class 4m have been very busy at work!! We have been learning about how the romans lived and comparing this to life today. In PSHE, we discussed others points of view and listened to each other and had our problems solved.
The most fun was our huge snowball fight on the field. You can see all the photos on here- which are great. Ellee. T, Ellie. B, Yasmin, Anisha, Iman, Aneesa, Lauren and Hayley won the snowman competition in 4m. There are lots of photos on the website.
Next week, on Friday, year 4 are dressing up as the Witches by Roald Dahl!!!!
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