Monday, August 31, 2009


Deus Sabe o Que Faz

"...O Pai que está no Céu dará coisas boas aos que Lhe pedirem!" – Evangelho de São Mateus 7:11.
Às vezes, parece que Deus não está ouvindo nossas súplicas. A gente pede, pede, pede, espera que a resposta venha e não vê acontecer nada. Nessa hora, alguns resolvem apelar a entidades que acreditam estar mais acessíveis aos seres humanos. Quer dizer, rezam aos santos ou aos anjos, pensando que eles podem interceder junto ao Pai e convencê-Lo a lhes dar o que querem. Outros buscam ajuda dos espíritos. E há quem faça "promessas" a Deus e aos santos, como se os pudessem subornar...
Tudo isso é desnecessário. Jesus Cristo ensinou que o Pai sempre ouve a qualquer um de Seus filhos, sem que seja preciso a participação de mais ninguém. Como se pode notar na frase citada a cima, Ele esclareceu também que Deus dará coisas boas aos que Lhe pedirem. Em outras palavras, se Lhe pedirmos coisas aparentemente boas, mas que nos podem causar mal futuramente, Ele não as dará.
Nosso discernimento é muito limitado. Mas Deus é suficientemente sábio para conceder-nos aquilo que nos irá beneficiar e negar-nos o que nos pode prejudicar de alguma maneira. Orar não é dar ordens a Deus. É simplesmente apresentar-Lhe nossos problemas e esperar dEle a melhor solução. Não podemos exigir que nos atenda exatamente da maneira, ou no momento, que desejamos.
Acredite em Jesus:
Deus sabe o que é melhor!


Deus Sabe o Que Faz

"...O Pai que está no Céu dará coisas boas aos que Lhe pedirem!" – Evangelho de São Mateus 7:11.

Às vezes, parece que Deus não está ouvindo nossas súplicas. A gente pede, pede, pede, espera que a resposta venha e não vê acontecer nada. Nessa hora, alguns resolvem apelar a entidades que acreditam estar mais acessíveis aos seres humanos. Quer dizer, rezam aos santos ou aos anjos, pensando que eles podem interceder junto ao Pai e convencê-Lo a lhes dar o que querem. Outros buscam ajuda dos espíritos. E há quem faça "promessas" a Deus e aos santos, como se os pudessem subornar...
Tudo isso é desnecessário. Jesus Cristo ensinou que o Pai sempre ouve a qualquer um de Seus filhos, sem que seja preciso a participação de mais ninguém. Como se pode notar na frase citada a cima, Ele esclareceu também que Deus dará coisas boas aos que Lhe pedirem. Em outras palavras, se Lhe pedirmos coisas aparentemente boas, mas que nos podem causar mal futuramente, Ele não as dará.
Nosso discernimento é muito limitado. Mas Deus é suficientemente sábio para conceder-nos aquilo que nos irá beneficiar e negar-nos o que nos pode prejudicar de alguma maneira. Orar não é dar ordens a Deus. É simplesmente apresentar-Lhe nossos problemas e esperar dEle a melhor solução. Não podemos exigir que nos atenda exatamente da maneira, ou no momento, que desejamos.
Acredite em Jesus:Deus sabe o que é melhor!

'Arrepiado', Vagner Love se diz pronto para conquista de título e projeta seleção
Atacante diz que voltou ao Verdão pelo carinho da torcida e para ficar mais próximo da chance de ir ao Mundial da África do Sul, em 2010.
Revelado pelo clube em 2003, Vagner Love passou cinco anos na fria Rússia. Lá, foi bicampeão russo, tetra da Copa da Rússia, tricampeão da Supercopa da Rússia e campeão da Copa da Uefa, seu maior título com o clube. Mas a boa vida em Moscou e o prestígio não foram suficientes para segurar o atacante no país. A um ano da Copa do Mundo, o atacante das trancinhas verdes sonha em voltar à seleção brasileira e disputar o Mundial da África do Sul. Antes disso, quer o Brasileiro deste ano, competição que o Palmeiras lidera, com 41 pontos.
- Tenho de fazer primeiro pelo Palmeiras. Fazendo um bom trabalho aqui, posso ter a oportunidade de voltar à seleção. Mas tenho de fazer o que fazia e um algo mais. Optei pelo Palmeiras porque tenho carinho por todos aqui e principalmente pela torcida – disse Love, que foi pretendido por Flamengo e Santos.
musica velha que mata agente por : ESSE MUNDO VELHO :



Vou pagar promessas de joelhos
Só pra esquecer você
Vou passar uns dias lá na lua
Eu não quero mais te ver
Vou falar pro meu coração bater o pé
Pra não morrer de paixão
Não quero maisEsse amor, que me faz tão mal
Chega de sofrerAdeus ponto final
Não vou mais chorar Como chorei
Nem me lembrar Que um dia te amei Bye-bye tristezaAdeus solidão
Vou fazer pirraça pro seu coração
Não vou mais chorarComo chorei
Nem me lembrar Que um dia te amei Bye-bye tristeza Adeus solidão
Vou fazer pirraça pro seu coração
Vou pagar promessas de joelhos
Só pra esquecer você
Vou passar uns dias lá na lua
Eu não quero mais te ver
Vou falar pro meu coração bater o pé
Pra não morrer de paixão
Não quero maisEsse amor, que me faz tão mal Chega de sofrerAdeus ponto final

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Classico Paulista .......BRIGA DE GRANDES , BUSCANDO A PONTA !
Sem dúvida, um clássico eletrizante. Quem for ao estádio do Morumbi na tarde deste domingo certamente verá uma grande partida. Afinal, ingredientes não faltam. Na tabela, temos de um lado o São Paulo, terceiro colocado na tabela de classificação, com 36 pontos, e que necessita da vitória para não perder o contato com o líder Palmeiras, 40 pontos. Caso o Alviverde vença, abre sete pontos de vantagem sobre um dos principais rivais na briga pelo título do Campeonato Brasileiro.
Mistério na escalação Os dois treinadores resolveram fazer suspense e só vão divulgar suas escalações momentos antes da partida. No São Paulo, que vem de derrota de 1 a 0 para o Atlético-PR, o técnico Ricardo Gomes ganhou o reforço de Hernanes, suspenso na última partida, mas pode perder Richarlyson, que virou dúvida após sentir dores no tornozelo esquerdo e deixar o campo mancando depois do rachão deste sábado. No ataque, Dagoberto e Washington deverão formar dupla. No Palmeiras, o suspense está no aproveitamento do meia Cleiton Xavier. O camisa 10 sofreu uma torção no tornozelo direito no início da partida contra o Internacional, realizada no último sábado, e, desde então, vem fazendo tratamento intensivo para tentar reunir condições de jogo. Ele fará um teste momentos antes da partida, mas a tendência é que não jogue. Sem o seu principal articulador no meio-campo, Muricy tem três opções. A mais simples seria promover a entrada de Deyvid Sacconi. Se quiser reforçar a marcação, pode optar pela entrada do volante Sandro Silva. Existe ainda a possibilidade mudar o esquema tático, passando do 4-4-2 para o 3-5-2. Com isso, o zagueiro Marcão é quem ganharia uma oportunidade na equipe.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Escrever é esquecer. A literatura é a maneira mais agradável de ignorar a vida. A música embala, as artes visuais animam, as artes vivas (como a dança e a arte de representar) entretêm. A primeira, porém, afasta-se da vida por fazer dela um sono; as segundas, contudo, não se afastam da vida - umas porque usam de fórmulas visíveis e portanto vitais, outras porque vivem da mesma vida humana. Não é o caso da literatura. Essa simula a vida. Um romance é uma história do que nunca foi e um drama é um romance dado sem narrativa. Um poema é a expressão de ideias ou de sentimentos em linguagem que ninguém emprega, pois que ninguém fala em verso.Fernando Pessoa
Querer não é poder. Quem pôde, quis antes de poder só depois de poder. Quem quer nunca há-de poder, porque se perde em querer.Fernando Pessoa
O próprio viver é morrer, porque não temos um dia a mais na nossa vida que não tenhamos, nisso, um dia a menos nela.Fernando Pessoa
Conformar-se é submeter-se e vencer é conformar-se, ser vencido. Por isso toda a vitória é uma grosseria. Os vencedores perdem sempre todas as qualidades de desalento com o presente que os levaram à luta que lhes deu a vitória. Ficam satisfeitos, e satisfeito só pode estar aquele que se conforma, que não tem a mentalidade do vencedor. Vence só quem nunca consegue.Fernando Pessoa
Tenho pensamentos que, se pudesse revelá-los e fazê-los viver, acrescentariam nova luminosidade às estrelas, nova beleza ao mundo e maior amor ao coração dos homens.Fernando Pessoa
Nunca amamos ninguém. Amamos, tão-somente, a ideia que fazemos de alguém. É a um conceito nosso - em suma, é a nós mesmos - que amamos. Isso é verdade em toda a escala do amor. No amor sexual buscamos um prazer nosso dado por intermédio de um corpo estranho. No amor diferente do sexual, buscamos um prazer nosso dado por intermédio de uma ideia nossa.Fernando Pessoa






Fernando António Nogueira Pessoa (Lisboa, 13 de Junho de 1888 — Lisboa, 30 de Novembro de 1935), mais conhecido como Fernando Pessoa, foi um poeta e escritor português.
É considerado um dos maiores poetas da Língua Portuguesa, e o seu valor é comparado ao de Camões. O crítico literário Harold Bloom considerou-o, juntamente com Pablo Neruda, o mais representativo poeta do século XX. Por ter vivido a maior parte de sua adolescência na África do Sul, a língua inglesa também possui destaque em sua vida, com Pessoa traduzindo, escrevendo, trabalhando e estudando no idioma. Teve uma vida discreta, em que atuou no jornalismo, na publicidade, no comércio e, principalmente, na literatura, onde se desdobrou em várias outras personalidades conhecidas como heterónimos. A figura enigmática em que se tornou movimenta grande parte dos estudos sobre as suas vida e obra, além do fato de ser o centro irradiador da heteronímia, auto-denominando o autor um "drama em gente".
Morreu de cólica hepática aos 47 anos na mesma cidade onde nasceu, tendo a sua última frase sido escrita na língua inglesa: "I know not what tomorrow will bring... " ("Não sei o que o amanhã trará"

Nome completo: Fernando António Nogueira de Seabra Pessoa.
Idade e naturalidade: Nasceu em Lisboa, freguesia dos Mártires, no prédio n.º 4 do Largo de S. Carlos (hoje do Directório) em 13 de Junho de 1888.
Filiação: Filho legítimo de Joaquim de Seabra Pessoa e de D. Maria Madalena Pinheiro Nogueira. Neto paterno do general Joaquim António de Araújo Pessoa, combatente das campanhas liberais, e de D. Dionísia Seabra; neto materno do conselheiro Luís António Nogueira, jurisconsulto e Director-Geral do Ministério do Reino, e de D. Madalena Xavier Pinheiro. Ascendência geral: misto de fidalgos e judeus.
Estado civil: Solteiro.
Profissão: A designação mais própria será "tradutor", a mais exata a de "correspondente estrangeiro" em casas comerciais. O ser poeta e escritor não constitui profissão, mas vocação.
Morada: Rua Coelho da Rocha, 16, 1º. Dto. Lisboa. (Endereço postal - Caixa Postal 147, Lisboa).
Funções sociais que tem desempenhado: Se por isso se entende cargos públicos, ou funções de destaque, nenhumas.
Obras que tem publicado: A obra está essencialmente dispersa, por enquanto, por várias revistas e publicações ocasionais. É o seguinte o que, de livros ou folhetos, considera como válido: "35 Sonnets" (em inglês), 1918; "English Poems I-II" e "English Poems III" (em inglês também), 1922; livro "Mensagem", 1934, premiado pelo "Secretariado de Propaganda Nacional" na categoria Poema". O folheto "O Interregno", publicado em 1928 e constituído por uma defesa da Ditadura Militar em Portugal, deve ser considerado como não existente. Há que rever tudo isso e talvez que repudiar muito.
Educação: Em virtude de, falecido seu pai em 1893, sua mãe ter casado, em 1895, em segundas núpcias, com o Comandante João Miguel Rosa, Cônsul de Portugal em Durban, Natal, foi ali educado. Ganhou o prémio Rainha Vitória de estilo inglês na Universidade do Cabo da Boa Esperança em 1903, no exame de admissão, aos 15 anos.
Ideologia Política: Considera que o sistema monárquico seria o mais próprio para uma nação organicamente imperial como é Portugal. Considera, ao mesmo tempo, a Monarquia completamente inviável em Portugal. Por isso, a haver um plebiscito entre regimes, votaria, embora com pena, pela República. Conservador do estilo inglês, isto é, liberal dentro do conservantismo, e absolutamente anti-reaccionário.
Posição religiosa: Cristão gnóstico e portanto inteiramente oposto a todas as igrejas organizadas e, sobretudo, à Igreja de Roma. Fiel, por motivos que mais adiante estão implícitos, à Tradição Secreta do Cristianismo, que tem íntimas relações com a Tradição Secreta em Israel (a Santa Kabbalah) e com a essência oculta da Maçonaria.
Posição iniciática: Iniciado, por comunicação directa de Mestre a Discípulo, nos três graus menores da (aparentemente extinta) Ordem Templária de Portugal.
Posição patriótica: Partidário de um nacionalismo místico, de onde seja abolida toda a infiltração católico-romana, criando-se, se possível for, um sebastianismo novo que a substitua espiritualmente, se é que no catolicismo português houve alguma vez espiritualidade. Nacionalista que se guia por este lema: "Tudo pela Humanidade; nada contra a Nação".
Posição social: Anticomunista e anti-socialista. O mais deduz-se do que vai dito acima.
Resumo de estas últimas considerações: Ter sempre na memória o mártir Jacques de Molay, Grão-Mestre dos Templários, e combater, sempre e em toda a parte, os seus três assassinos - a Ignorância, o Fanatismo e a Tirania.
Lisboa, 30 de Março de 1935 [em várias edições está 1933, por lapso]
Fernando Pessoa [assinatura autógrafa] Fonte: Cópia do original dactilografado e assinado


BEM - VINDOS ..........!!!!!!!!!!
E Com Muita Satisfação Que Estou Aqui ,este blog é mais uma experiencia e um debate de historias e noticias dos fatos que estão em debates pelo mundo ,atualizados diariamente ,sempre com uma noticia diferente e enteressante ,para interagir com vocês que fazem parte desse blog
Josué neto Ferreira Leão

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Green Day 21 Guns MP3 Lyrics (Soundtrack Transformer 2)

Green Day 21 Guns MP3 Lyrics (Soundtrack Transformer 2)
Green Day 21 Guns MP3
(Soundtrack From Movie Transformers 2)

Great Song ..Must Buy The CD!!! (^ ^)/

[Download Green Day 21 Guns MP3]

Lyric Green Day 21 Guns:

Do you know what's worth fighting for
When it's not worth dying for?
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocating?
Does the pain weigh out the pride
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside?
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky,
You and I

When you're at the end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky,
You and I

Did you try to live on your own
When you burned down the house and home?
Did you stand too close to the fire
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone?
(Green Day 21 Guns Lyrics on
When it's time to live and let die
And you can't get another try
Something inside this heart has died
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky,
You and I

View Video Green Day 21 Guns:

Katharine McPhee Over It MP3 Lyrics

Katharine McPhee Over It MP3 Lyrics
Katharine McPhee Over It MP3

[Download Katharine McPhee Over It MP3]

Lyric Katharine McPhee Over It:

I'm over your lies
And I'm over your games
I'm over you asking me
When you know I'm not okay

You call me at night
And I pick up the phone
And though you be telling me
I know you're not alone

Oh, and that's why
(Your eyes)
I'm over it
(Your smile)
I'm over it
I'm over it
I'm over it
I'm over...

Wanting you to be wanting me.
No that ain't no way to be
How I feel, read my lips
Because I'm so over (I'm so)

Moving on, it's my time
You never were a friend of mine
Hurt at first, a little bit
But now I'm so over
I'm so over it

I'm over your hands
And I'm over your mouth
Trying to drag me down
And fill me with self-doubt

Oh, and that's why
(Your words)
I'm over it
(So sure)
I'm over it
(I'm not your girl)
I'm over it
I'm over it
I'm over...

Wanting you to be wanting me
No that ain't no way to be
How I feel, read my lips
Because I'm so over (I'm so)
(Katharine McPhee Over It Lyrics on

Moving on, it's my time
You never were a friend of mine
Hurt at first, a little bit
But now I'm so over
I'm so over it

So over it

Don't call, don't come by
Ain't no use, don't ask me why
You'll never change
There'll be no more crying in the rain

Wanting you to be wanting me.
No that ain't no way to be
How I feel, read my lips
Because I'm so over (I'm so)

Moving on, it's my time
You never were a friend of mine
Hurt at first, a little bit
But now I'm so over
I'm so over it

I'm so over it
I'm over it
Wohh yeah

Wanting you to be wanting me
No that ain't no way to be
How I feel, read my lips
Because I'm so over (I'm so)

Moving on, it's my time
You never were a friend of mine
Hurt at first, a little bit
But now I'm so over
I'm so over it

View Video Katharine McPhee Over It:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Katharine McPhee I Know What Boys Like MP3 Lyrics

Katharine McPhee I Know What Boys Like MP3
Soundtrack taken from Movie The House Bunny

[Download Katharine McPhee I Know What Boys Like MP3]

Lyric Katharine McPhee I Know What Boys Like:

La la la la
Hey hey hey
Where my zetas at?
Where my zetas at?
Where my, where my, where my zetas at?
Hands up now
Push it up now
Where my zetas at?
Where my zetas at?
Where my, where my, where my zetas at?
Hands up now
Push it up now

I know what boys like
I know what guys want
I know what boys like
I got what boys like
I know what boys like
I know what guys want
I know what boys like
But I know what I want

I know what boys like
They like to mess around
I laugh and tease them
They wanna know what I'm about

I know what boys like
I tell them so what? (so what)
It doesn't matter
You're gonna have to be smart

Oh, oh, oh
It ain't that hard to see
I know you're feelin' me
Baby, I really wantcha

Oh, oh, oh
Don't take it personal
Been down that road before
Had to switch it up cause

I know what boys like
I know what guys want (what guys want)
I know what boys like
I got what boys like (I know what they like)
I know what boys like (boys like)
I know what guys want
I know what boys like
But I know what I want

La la la la
What they li-like, li-like, li-like

I know what boys like
Cute smiles and heels high
Attempt the "hello"
While I say "bye bye"

I know they want me
They try to fake it
But they just end up

Oh, oh, oh
It ain't that hard to see
I know you're feelin' me
I really wantcha

Oh, oh, oh (oh yeah)
Don't take it personal
Been down that road before
Had to switch it up cause

I know what boys like (boys like)
I know what guys want (guys want)
I know what boys like (hey)
I got what boys like (I know what they like)
I know what boys like (I know)
I know what guys want (hey)
I know what boys like (I know what they want, they want, they want)
But I know what I want

If I think you get me
I might let you
Unconditionally, yeah
I might let you
If you're on my level
I might let you
And baby, if I think you're special
I might let you

Hey hey hey
Where my zetas at?
Where my zetas at?
Where my, where my, where my zetas at?
Say, that's what they want want
That's what they want want
Where my zetas at?
Where my zetas at?
Where my, where my, where my zetas at?
Say, that's what they want want
That's what they want want
(Katharine McPhee I Know What Boys Like Lyrics on
Now everytime I come up in the spot I'm with my zetas (yeah)
A peace out to the fellas and reverse it for the haters
Slickety slick, bam boom whack
Look at how hot my ladies are now
We ain't messing with you fools
We ain't playin' with you clowns

Now this blonde baby's the one to thank
Help us rise to the top of the social ranks
The lost little bunny changes for the better
Now she's part of the Zeta family forever

So, back, back, back it on up
Back it, back it, back, back it on up
Back, back, back it on up
Now I realize that

I know what boys like
I know what guys what (what they want)
I know what boys like (boys like)
I got what boys like (I know what they want)
I know what boy like (I know)
I know what guys want
I know what boys like (I know what they want, they want, they want)
But I know what I want

View Video Katharine McPhee I Know What Boys Like:

Monday, August 24, 2009

Tomok Satu MP3 Lirik

Tomok Satu MP3 Lirik
Tomok Satu MP3
Compose by Shazee Ishak and Lyric by Shah Shamsiri

[Download Tomok Satu MP3]

Lyric Tomok Satu:

Kau roda ku keretanya
Bersayap ke udara
Kau lengkap apa yang cela
Ku pula membantunya

Tak kenali beza warna
Sehati seangkasa
Di balik banyak budaya
Ternyata ia serupa

Satu jiwa dan satu cita
Satu rasa satu Malaysia
Satu bangsa dan satu cinta
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

Kau dan ku sama sahaja
Nak maju terus mara
Terunggul di mata dunia
Itulah janji kita

Galaksi ku ada kamu
Kerana ia satu
Jangan pandang kisah lalu
Hidup kita dah baru

Kau dan ku sama sahaja
Nak maju terus mara
Terunggul di mata dunia
Itulah janji kita

Ku mahu kau ikut sama
Mengerti 'kan irama
Rentak ku rentak mu jua
Ayuhlah ikut serta
(Tomok Satu Lyrics on

View Video Tomok Satu:

Resources: 1Malaysia

Rida Lagu Rakyat Satu Malaysia MP3 Lirik

Rida Lagu Rakyat Satu Malaysia MP3 Lirik
Rida Lagu Rakyat Satu Malaysia MP3
Compose and Lyric by Norm Aidid

[Download Rida Lagu Rakyat Satu Malaysia MP3]

Lyric Rida Lagu Rakyat Satu Malaysia:

Pernahkah kita terbayang bila kita diserang oleh musuh Negara,
Mana pergi Rukun Negara? Mungkin kita terlupa (kita terlupa),
Masihkah kita mampu membuktikan kesetiaan?

Kita rakyat Malaysia
Satu Malaysia
Apa Rukun Negaramu?
Kita satu Malaysia
Ada satu sahaja bukan dua dan tiga
Kita sama kita satu Malaysia

Pernahkah kita terfikit bila kita membenci
Kita sama sendiri
Menangislah Ibu Pertiwi
Hatinya terguris luka (guris luka)
Masihkah kita mampu membuktikan kesetiaan?

Kita rakyat Malaysia
Satu Malaysia
Apa Rukun Negaramu?
Kita satu Malaysia
Ada satu sahaja bukan dua dan tiga
Kita sama kita satu Malaysia


Kita rakyat Malaysia
Satu Malaysia
Apa Rukun Negaramu?
Kita satu Malaysia
Ada satu sahaja bukan dua dan tiga
Kita sama kita satu Malaysia
(Rida Lagu Rakyat Satu Malaysia Lyrics on

View Video Rida Lagu Rakyat Satu Malaysia:

Resources: 1Malaysia

Jaclyn Victor & Arch Little Danielle Inilah Malaysia MP3 Lirik

Jaclyn Victor & Arch Little Danielle Inilah Malaysia MP3 Lirik
Jaclyn Victor & Arch Little Danielle Inilah Malaysia MP3
Compose By Taja Muh and Lyric by Tun Teja

[Download Jaclyn Victor & Arch Little Danielle Inilah Malaysia MP3]

Lyric Jaclyn Victor & Arch Little Danielle Inilah Malaysia:

Telah begitu lama,
Mata melihat
Telah begitu lama,
Lidah - lidah berkata
Telah begitu lama,
Telinga mendengar

Ku mendahuluimu,
benarkah aku?
Kau mendahuluiku,
benarkah kamu?
Mengapa tidak kita berlari bersama?

Berdiri berfikir bertindak sebagai satu
Bukan menolak resam
Bukan menolak asal usulmu
Semua untuk satu dan jelas satu untuk semua

Maka kami rakyat Malaysia berikrar akan menumpukan seluruh usaha dan tenaga kami demi mencapai cita - cita negara berdasarkan atas prinsip - prinsip berikut.

Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan
Kesetiaan kepada Raja & Negara
Keluhuran Perlembagaan
Kedaulatan Undang - Undang
Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan

Mengapa tidak kita berlari bersama

Berdiri berfikir bertindak sebagai satu,
Bukan menolak resam,
Bukan menolak asal usulmu,
Semua untuk satu dan jelas satu untuk semua

Lahirlah kita SATU MALAYSIA!
(Jaclyn Victor & Arch Little Danielle Inilah Malaysia Lyrics on

View Video Jaclyn Victor & Arch Little Danielle Inilah Malaysia:

Resources: 1Malaysia

D. Gerard Singh Sehati Sejiwa MP3 Lirik

D. Gerard Singh Sehati Sejiwa MP3 Lirik
D. Gerard Singh Sehati Sejiwa MP3
Compose and Lyric by D.Gerard Singh himself

[Download D. Gerard Singh Sehati Sejiwa MP3]

Lyric D. Gerard Singh Sehati Sejiwa:

Apakah bezanya antara kau dan aku
Jurangnya hanya sebesar persepsi minda mu
Jangan risau oh kawan ku
Berdirilah disisi ku
Sama-sama kita maju

Kita kan hanya semua insan biasa
Dirahmati Maha Esa dengan nyawa yang ada
Hidup ini sementara
Apa gunanya berlaga
Sesama isi keluarga

Jangan berobsessi dengan perbezaan kami
Perubahan bermula dengan diri sendiri
Oh percayalah

Jika dalam kesusahan
Capailah tangan ku rakan
Ku janji tak melepaskan
Walau apa jua

Semua cabaran dan sengketa
Kita hadapi bersama
Dengan tujuan yang mulia
Sehati, sejiwa

Yang pentingnya bukan nama
Dan bukannya paras rupa
Atau asal usul kita
Hanya perhubungan mesra

Sama-sama kita bina
Semangat cinta negara
Satu rakyat, satu bangsa
Dikalangan anak kita

Bukankah kita seumpama satu keluarga?
Bersatu kami kukuh, berpisah kami runtuh
Satu Malaysia
(D. Gerard Singh Sehati Sejiwa Lyrics on

View Video D. Gerard Singh Sehati Sejiwa:

Resources: 1Malaysia

Noh Hujan,Lah Ahmad,Shila Kami Anak Malaysia MP3 Lirik

Noh Hujan,Lah Ahmad,Shila Kami Anak Malaysia MP3 Lirik
Noh(Hujan),Lah Ahmad dan Shila Kami Anak Malaysia MP3
Composer Ashroff Shariff and Lyric by Eka Shariff

[Download Noh(Hujan),Lah Ahmad dan Shila Kami Anak Malaysia MP3]

Lyric Noh(Hujan),Lah Ahmad dan Shila Kami Anak Malaysia:

Oh Malaysia
Satu Malaysia
Hidup berharmoni, aman damai
Dengan satu harapan
Demi kejayaan

Bersatu kami bersama
Berbilang bangsa hidup berharmoni
Aman damai negaraku (negaraku)
Satu Malaysia (satu Malaysia)

Semua maju kehadapan
Dengan satu harapan
Deminya kejayaan

Kami anak Malaysia
Kami berdiri megah
Bersama kita teguh
Maju kehadapan dengan bangga

Berikrar satu nusa dan satu suara
Negaraku makmur
Aman damai oh Malaysia
Satu Malaysia
(Lyrics on

View Video :

Siti Nurhaliza Satu Malaysia MP3 Lirik

Siti Nurhaliza Satu Malaysia MP3 Lirik
Siti Nurhaliza Satu Malaysia MP3
Composer by Aubrey Suwito and Lyric by Siti Nurhaliza

[Download Siti Nurhaliza Satu Malaysia MP3]

Lyric Siti Nurhaliza Satu Malaysia:

Semuanya atas satu perjuangan

Segalanya atas satu perpaduan

Rakyat bersatu seiring dan maju
Pencapaian jadi mercu

Satu tak mengenal bangsa
Tak memisahkan kita
Terus perkasa

Kita satu Malaysia
Teguh ikrar bersama
Negaraku tercinta
Satu bangsa Satu Malaysia
(Siti Nurhaliza Satu Malaysia Lyrics on

View Video Siti Nurhaliza Satu Malaysia :


Faizal Tahir Malaysia Satu MP3 Lirik

Faizal Tahir Malaysia Satu MP3 Lirik
Faizal Tahir Malaysia Satu MP3
Composer Audi Mok and Lyric by Nur Fatima

[Download Faizal Tahir Malaysia Satu MP3]

Lyric Faizal Tahir Malaysia Satu:

Ku teguh berdiri tiada lagi ragu atau gentar
Ku terus berani melangkah maju ke hadapan Satu impian nyawaku pertaruhkan

Genggaman tanganmu, semangatku terus membara janji ku pada mu, harapanmu ingin ku laksanakan

kau adalah ilham pada mereka yang ingin berjaya
Kau terus berjuang demi membawa perubahan satu impian oh berjuta harapan

Genggaman tanganmu, semangatku terus membara janji ku pada mu, harapanmu ingin ku laksanakan

Satu Malaysia,
kita inspirasi pada dunia Nama kan dijulang, kita menjadi kebanggaan Satu wawasan bersama bergandingan..

Genggaman tanganmu, semangatku terus membara janji ku pada mu, harapanmu ingin ku laksanakan
(Faizal Tahir Malaysia Satu Lyrics on

View Video Faizal Tahir Malaysia Satu:

Keri Hilson Turnin Me On MP3 Lyrics (Featuring Lil Wayne)

Keri Hilson Turnin Me On MP3 Lyrics (Featuring Lil Wayne)
Keri Hilson Feat. Lil Wayne Turnin' Me On MP3

[Download Keri Hilson Feat. Lil Wayne Turnin' Me On MP3]

Lyric Keri Hilson Feat. Lil Wayne Turnin' Me On:

Please don't turn me off
Like this
Where you at shawty

You fly as hell, swagga right, brown skin poppin
You know just how to talk to me
Know just how I like it
You turnin' me on, you turnin' me on, you turnin' me on

Now wait a minute little buster
You got one more time to feel on my booty
Better recognize a lady
That ain't the way you do me
You turnin' me off, you turnin' me off, you turnin' me off
Better recognize a real woman

You ever try to get that close to me
You better come correct how you 'proachin me
Dime divas give it to me
I gotta be feelin' your energy
I gotta be for sure that you're into me
Recognize a real woman

Goin up on it, you actin like you want it
And you stuntin like your daddy checkin for this little mama
You turnin me on, you turnin me on, you turnin me on

Now wait a minute little buster
Now you don't even know me but you wanna take me shopping
You a lame, I can tell it ain't big shit poppin
You turnin me off, you turnin me off, you turnin me off
Better recognize a real woman

All you wanna do is
Holla at the cutest
Broad to get up in them draws
Don't try to buy me
Bottles, got my own dollars
I could buy up the bar if I want it
(Lyrics on http://ezone4Keri Hilson Feat. Lil Wayne Turnin' Me On
You ever try to get that close to me
You better come correct how you 'proachin me
Dime divas give it to me
I gotta be feelin your energy
I gotta be for sure that you're into me
Recognize a real woman

[Lil Wayne:]
**********I'm fly as hell swagger right, brown skin poppin' like dynamite
Raw like china white, mami i dig your persona right
You look baby momma type, i know that got you kinda hype,
My ice is albino white, i hope your vagina tight
I go underwater and i hope your pirana bite
Hot carter ima kiss the spot for ya and ima kiss it till you scream
Wait a minute motherfucker ha
Yeah i turn you on like a handle, like a television on weather channel
Cuz i make it rain girl, now call me wayne girl
You just an earthling you aint never been to wayne's world
I play to win, I bait em in, I do my thing
Now you're in love with an alien
Polo on the beat and weezy up i'm at the plate again
Keri if you pitch it at me imma swing away at it
Someone better play the fence, someone better tell 'em bout me
Baby I'm da shit and that's the only thing you smell around me
Weezy F baby and don't forget the F around me
And if you do then get the F around me
You turnin' me off
Yeah, Yeah (Keri)
Polow I told you I got you (Lil Wayne)
Miss Keri baby (Keri)
Miss Keri baby (Lil Wayne)*********

You ever try to get that close to me
You better come correct how you 'proachin me
Dime divas give it to me
I gotta be feelin your energy
I gotta be for sure that you're into me
Recognize a real woman

View Video Keri Hilson Feat. Lil Wayne Turnin' Me On:

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Selena Gomez One And The Same MP3 Lyrics (Featuring Demi Lovato)

Selena Gomez One And The Same MP3 Lyrics (Featuring Demi Lovato),Disney Song
Selena Gomez feat Demi Lovato One And The Same MP3

[Download Selena Gomez feat Demi Lovato One And The Same MP3]

Lyric Selena Gomez feat Demi Lovato One And The Same:

Hey hey hey
La la la la la la
Hey hey hey
La la la la la la

You come from here
I come from there
You rock out in your room
I rock a world premiere
We're more alike than anybody could ever tell

Friday we're cool
Monday we're freaks
Sometimes we rule
Sometime we can't even speak
But we can get up, let loose and lol

It may seem cliche for me to wanna say
That you're not alone
And you can call me uncool
But it's a simple fact
I've got your back

Yeah yeah yeah!

Cuz we're one and the same
We're anything but ordinary
One and the same
I think we're almost legendary
You and me, the perfect team
Chasing down the dream
We're one and the same

Hey hey hey
La la la la la la

I'm kinda like you
You're kinda like me
We write the same song in a different key
It's got a rhythm you and me can get along

And it may seem cliche for me to wanna say
That you're not alone
And you can call me uncool
But it's a simple fact
I've still got your back, yeah!
(Selena Gomez feat Demi Lovato One And The Same Lyrics on
Cuz we're one and the same
We're anything but ordinary
One and the same
I think we're almost legendary
You and me, the perfect team
Shaking up the scene
We're one and the same

Cuz we're one and the same
We're anything but ordinary
One and the same
We're something more than momentary

Cuz we're one

We're anything but ordinary

You and me, the perfect team
Chasing down the dream
Oh, you and me, the perfect team
Shaking up the scene
We're one and the same

Hey hey hey
La la la la la la
Hey hey hey

View Video Selena Gomez feat Demi Lovato One And The Same:

Kelly Clarkson album All I Ever Wanted

Kelly Clarkson album All I Ever Wanted
"Kelly Clarkson album All I Ever Wanted"

Kelly Clarkson's 4th album, All I Ever Wanted, was released March 10, 2009. During recording of the album, Kelly Clarkson worked closely with producer-songwriters Ryan Tedder, Dr. Luke, Max Martin, and Howard Benson, among others. Kelly Clarkson All I Wanted album’s recording was completed on October 23, 2008. The 1st single off the album, "My Life Would Suck Without You", was sent to radio on January 13, 2009, and was available to download thereafter. The single 1st entered the Billboard Hot 100 at #97. The following week, the single shot to number one, breaking the record of largest leap to the top spot, formerly held by Britney Spears' "Womanizer" This marks the 2nd time Kelly Clarkson has broken the record, her 1st being the American Idol victory ballad "A Moment Like This", which shot from number fiftytwo to number one in 2002. In March 2009, Kelly Clarkson reached number one in the UK singles chart with "My Life Would Suck Without You", and became Kelly Clarkson's 1st UK number one single.

In its 1st week of sales, it moved 255,000 copies in the USA, and debuted at #1 on the Billboard 200. The album sold 90,000 copies in its 2nd week and remained at number one.The album's second single is "I Do Not Hook Up." It was sent to Australia and U.S. Radio on March 30 and April 13, respectively. It debuted in the Billboard Bubbling Under Hot 100 at number twenty, entered the Billboard Hot 100 charts at number eighty-eight, and has climbed to number twenty. "I Do Not Hook Up" has also peaked at number two thus far on the Billboard Pop 100. Clarkson's 3rd single, "Already Gone", which had already charted on Billboard's Hot 100 at number seventy early in 2009, was officially announced in July 2009 along with its music video and North American tour dates for the album. The single drop date for North America was announced for August 11 2009 and for the UK on September 7, 2009.

source: wikipedia culturebully

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Dorrough Music Ice Cream Paint Job MP3 Lyrics

Dorrough Music Ice Cream Paint Job MP3 Lyrics
Dorrough Music Ice Cream Paint Job MP3

[Download Dorrough Music Ice Cream Paint Job MP3]

Lyric Dorrough Music Ice Cream Paint Job:

mr. D-O-double-R

i say..
Yea buddy!
Rolling like a big shot,
chevy tuned up like a nascar pitstop
Fresh paint job [check]
Fresh inside [check]
Is the outside frame in the trunk wide? [yes]
Are the rims big [what]
Do it ride good [good]
Lean back right hand on the pinewood.

Cream on the inside
Clean on the outside
Cream on the inside
Clean on the outside
Cream on the inside
Clean on the outside
Ice, ice cream, Ice cream paint job [x2]

Clean on the outside cream on the inside ice cream paint job.
Got screens on the dash watchin saved by the bell got a house by the
yea im livin like that, and im ridin like that.
Boy im ridin like that and the sturring wheel wood like a baseball bat.
Just like Archie said We Ready. Whole cliques straight, lunatics like nelly.
Gran Marquis paint job grape jelly, R triple BC big black box Chevy.
Crank my car, she be hummin, rims so big u can see me comin.
Prime time click, we get money, stay iced up like TV johnny.

Cream on the inside
Clean on the outside
Cream on the inside
Clean on the outside
Cream on the inside
Clean on the outside
Ice, ice cream, Ice cream paint job [x2]

Im live, Im live like a superbowl kickoff,
my slab got a lot of n***** pissed off.
Paint shine like lip gloss, cadillac got a wide body like Rick Ross.
Took time but my cash got right, if i want it ima buy it i dont ask no price.
Rear view mirror, Jumbo dice, trunk hit hard like KIMBO SLICE.
Be around tint no window light, car ride smooth so the rims are white.
That right thur see see i like. Got the top notch slab for da dirt cheap price.
Press one button called automatic start.
Stand too close car alarm might bark. Like what?
Roof! Roof!, Like Q-dogs, prime time click make it move like Uhaul.

Cream on the inside
Clean on the outside
Cream on the inside
Clean on the outside
Cream on the inside
Clean on the outside
Ice, ice cream, Ice cream paint job [x2]

I ride with a towel cuz the candy paint wet.
Rims on the Ride got these N***** upset.
Rims sit high so i ride upset. 6 12's in the trunk 4 screens in the deck [x2]

I ride, I ride, I ride, I ride, I ride, I ride, Lets ride

I ride, propped up, I ride, propped up, I ride, say bro, lets ride, lets ride
(Dorrough Music Ice Cream Paint Job Lyrics on
I got a, Fresh paint job, [check], Fresh inside [check],
is the outside frame in the trunk wide? [yes]
Are the Rims big [what] Do it ride good [good].
Lean back right hand on the pinewood.

Cream on the inside
Clean on the outside
Cream on the inside
Clean on the outside
Cream on the inside
Clean on the outside
Ice, ice cream, Ice cream paint job [x2]

View Video Dorrough Music Ice Cream Paint Job:

Friday, August 21, 2009

Mariah Carey Obsessed MP3 Lyrics

Mariah Carey Obsessed MP3 Lyrics
Mariah Carey Obsessed MP3

[Download Mariah Carey Obsessed MP3]

Lyric Mariah Carey Obsessed:

I was like, why are you so obsessed with me?

So Oh Oh So Ohhh
Will the real MC please step to the mic?
MC- You need an MC, place to be
MC the MC

All up in the blogs
Say we met at the bar
When I don’t even know who you are
Say we up in your house
Sayin’ I’m up in your car
But you in LA and I’m out at Jermaine’s

I’m up in the A- you’re so so lame
and no on here even mentions your name
It must be the weed, it must be the E
cuz you be poppin, hood, you get it poppin’

Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me?
Boy I want to know- lyin’ that you’re sexin me
when everybody knows it’s clear that you’re upset with me
Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn’t impress
Last man on the earth- still couldn’t get this

You’re delusional, you’re delusional
Boy you’re losing your mind
It’s confusin yo, you’re confused you know
Why you wasting your time?
Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complex
See right through you like you’re bathin’ in windex

Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me?
And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing
Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed

You on your job, you hatin’ hard
Ain’t gon feed you, I'ma’ let you starve
Graspin’ for air I’m ventilation
You out of breath, hope you ain’t waitin
Tellin’ the world how much you miss me
But we never were so why you trippin’
You a mom and pop, I’m a corporation
I’m the press conference, you a conversation

Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me?
Boy I want to know- lyin’ that you’re sexin me
when everybody knows it’s clear that you’re upset with me
Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn’t impress
Last man on the earth- still couldn’t get this
(Mariah Carey Obsessed Lyrics on
You’re delusional, you’re delusional
Boy you’re losing your mind
It’s confusin yo, you’re confused you know
Why you wasting your time?
Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complex
See right through you like you’re bathin’ in windex

Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me?
And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing
Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed

Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me? (Hey he's always on at me)
Boy I want to know- lyin’ that you’re sexin me (Lying that you're sexing me)
when everybody knows it’s clear that you’re upset with me (Hey)
(Ohh) Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn’t impress
Last man on the earth- still couldn’t get this (Ohhohohh)
You’re delusional, you’re delusional (Hey he's always on at me)
Boy you’re losing your mind (Boy, I want to know)
It’s confusin yo, you’re confused you know (He's always like this with me)
Why you wasting your time? (When everybody knows)
Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complex (You just nobody, nobody)
See right through you like you’re bathin’ in windex (Really, really nobody)

View Video Mariah Carey Obsessed:

Maya Karin Erti Cinta MP3 Lirik

Maya Karin Erti Cinta MP3 Lirik
Maya Karin Erti Cinta MP3

[Download Maya Karin Erti Cinta MP3]

Lyric Maya Karin Erti Cinta:

Termenung ku bercelaru
Memikirkan cinta
Di mana sebenar
Namanya cinta

Tak tertahan hati ini
Bila kau berkata
Sememangnya aku
(Lirik Lagu Maya Karin Erti Cinta di
Mungkin kita tak pernah mengutarakan masalah
Kau dan aku bagai tiada arah
Namun aku percaya kita akan mengatasi
Segalanya hanya untukmu

Sama-sama kita kembali
Sama-sama kita binakan
Cinta yang pernah mekar
Untuk engkau dan aku

Sama-sama kita tempuhi
Sama-sama kita rasakan
Apa yang dinamakan
Erti cinta sebenar


Sama-sama kita tempuhi
Sama-sama kita rasakan
Apa yang dinamakan
Erti cinta sebenar

View Video Maya Karin Erti Cinta:

Maya Karin Nyanyikan Lagu Mu

Maya Karin Nyanyikan Lagu Mu MP3 Lirik,Malaysia National Day Song,Lagu Merdeka,1Malaysia,Satu Malaysia
Maya Karin Nyanyikan Lagu Mu MP3
(Composer Ng Ching Ching and Wong Seng Jinn, Lyric by Ng Ching Ching)

[Download Maya Karin Nyanyikan Lagu Mu MP3]

Lyric Maya Karin Nyanyikan Lagu Mu:

Biarpun di mana jua
Hatiku akan tetap setia
Biarpun tiada yang rela
Jiwaku akan tetap sedia
Mentari harapan
Membawakan kita sinaran
Satu kedamaian
Satu kebenaran
Satunya impianku
(Lirik Lagu Maya Karin Nyanyikan Lagu Mu di
Kan ku nyanyikan lagumu
Kan ku dirikan namamu
Kitalah satu bangsa
Kan ku nyanyikan lagumu
Kan ku dirikan namamu
Inilah satu bangsa
Satu Malaysia

Disinilah janji kita
Hatiku akan tetap setia
Kini dan selamanya
Jiwaku akan tetap sedia
Mentari harapan
Membawakan kita sinaran
Satu kedamaian
Satu kebenaran
Satunya impianku

Tiada yang akan memadamkan jiwa ini
Tiada yang akan mematahkan semangat yang membara

View Video Maya Karin Nyanyikan Lagu Mu:

Manis Keranamu Hatiku Malaysia

Manis Keranamu Hatiku Malaysia,1Malaysia,Lagu Merdeka,Malaysia National Day Song
Manis Keranamu Hatiku Malaysia MP3
(Composer and Lyric by Lead)

[Download Manis Keranamu Hatiku Malaysia MP3]

Lyric Manis Keranamu Hatiku Malaysia:

Kaulah wiraku yang berbakti untuk negara yang tercinta ini
Kamilah generasi baru yang akan menerajui perjuangan impian yang pasti

Dan kini kau menjadi lagenda hidupku
Berjanji kami bersatu padu
Agar sentiasa mengharumkan namamu

Oh Malaysia tanah airku yang tercinta
Rela kami korbankan segalanya
Jiwa raga dan juga harta benda
Keranamu hatiku Oh Malaysia
Tanah airku yang tercinta
Berikan kami kekuatan untuk
Manuju puncak gemilang
Menuju puncak terbilang
Manuju puncak gemilang
Menuju puncak terbilang

Kaulah wiraku yang berbakti untuk negara yang tercinta ini
Kamilah generasi baru yang akan menerajui perjuangan impian yang pasti

Dan kini kau menjadi lagenda hidupku
Berjanji kami bersatu padu
Agar sentiasa mengharumkan namamu

Oh Malaysia tanah airku yang tercinta
Rela kami korbankan segalanya
Jiwa raga dan juga harta benda
Keranamu hatiku Oh Malaysia
Tanah airku yang tercinta
Berikan kami kekuatan untuk
Manuju puncak gemilang
Menuju puncak terbilang
Manuju puncak gemilang
Menuju puncak terbilang
(Lirik Lagu Manis Keranamu Hatiku Malaysia di
Dan kini kau menjadi lagenda hidupku
Berjanji kami bersatu padu
Agar sentiasa mengharumkan namamu

Oh Malaysia tanah airku yang tercinta
Rela kami korbankan segalanya
Jiwa raga dan juga harta benda
Keranamu hatiku Oh Malaysia
Tanah airku yang tercinta
Berikan kami kekuatan untuk
Manuju puncak gemilang
Menuju puncak terbilang
Manuju puncak gemilang
Menuju puncak terbilang

View Video Manis Keranamu Hatiku Malaysia:


Estranged Ketika Ini

Estranged Ketika Ini MP3 Lirik Video
Estranged Ketika Ini MP3

[Download Estranged Ketika Ini MP3]

Lyric Estranged Ketika Ini:
Sedih mulanya
Jikalau kamu tiada lagi di sisi
Wujud bezanya
Keadaan itu bertukar akhirnya
Sunyinya rasa
Yang sebenarnya di sini engkau tiada
Senangnya rasa
Mengingati masa dia ada bersama

Cerminkan aku ketika ini
Yang kaku setelah pecah

Ketika ini kurasa kehilanganmu
Ku mahu imbasi keadaan itu
Ketika ini ku rasa kehilanganmu
Ku mahu ingati keadaan itu lagi
(Lirik Lagu Estranged Ketika Ini di
Senangkah engkau
Sekiranya tiada aku jelma
Kuatkah kamu
Kalau tiada menunjukkan arah
Berdirilah kau
Agar yang disebelah kamu bantu
Sedihnya rasa
Hatiku mengundang masa kau masih ada

Cerminkan aku ketika ini
Yang kaku setelah pecah

Ketika ini kurasa kehilanganmu
Ku mahu imbasi keadaan itu
Ketika ini ku rasa kehilanganmu
Ku mahu ingati keadaan itu

Kelip terakhir
Buat mataku
Kita layari

Hanya sunyi disisiku
Sehingga kita bertemu
Hanya suci ditanganku
Hingga kita bertemu

Ketika ini kurasa kehilanganmu
Ku mahu imbasi keadaan itu
Ketika ini ku rasa kehilanganmu
Ku mahu ingati keadaan itu lagi

View Video Estranged Ketika Ini:

Until June Sleepless MP3 Lyrics

Until June Sleepless MP3 Lyrics
Until June Sleepless MP3

[Download Until June Sleepless MP3]

Lyric Until June Sleepless:


Oh, when you were young
Did you ever love someone
So much you couldn’t bare the thought of losing them
Well I remember the sleepless nights
When I’d lie awake
If only I could tell you how I feel

Sleepless at night
Well I remember the sleepless nights
Sleepless at night

Well I would walk around the earth
To have another chance with you
Spend the evening, paining thoughts of all you do
Well I remember the sleepless nights
When I’d lie awake
If only I could tell you how I feel

Sleepless at night
Well I remember the sleepless nights
Sleepless at night
(Until June Sleepless Lyrics on
Sleepless at niiight
Have you ever loved someone?
Hard to fiiind
Have you ever loved someone?
Could you ever love someone?



Well I remember the sleepless nights
When I’d lie awake
Fix me I’m on my own
Well I remember the sleepless nights
When I’d lie awake
Fix me I’m on my own
Well I remember the sleepless nights
When I’d lie awake
Fix me I’m on my own
Well I remember the sleepless nights
When I’d lie awake
If only I could tell you how i feel

View Video Until June Sleepless: