Saturday, October 31, 2009
Aril Af7 Menatap Wajah Mu MP3 Lirik

Aril Af7 Menatap Wajah Mu MP3
[Download Aril Af7 Menatap Wajah Mu MP3]
Lyric Aril Af7 Menatap Wajah Mu:
Sungguh indahnya hari berlalu
Menunggu kasih tambatan hati
Ingin rasanya selalu berbagi
Bersamanya kala suatu nanti
Andaikan kau jadi milikku
Selaluku nyanyikan lagu rindu
Andaikan kau dan aku bersatu
Dunia ini berseri selalu
(Lirik Lagu Aril Af7 Menatap Wajah Mu di
Ku ingin dirimu dekat dihatiku
Berdua kita kan raih bahagia
Ku ingin dirimu turut merasa
Rasa rindu untuk menatap matamu
Menatap matamu
Bagaikan bintang nun jauh di sana
Terangi malam yang semakin gelap
Jika kau sudi menemaniku
Takkanku lepas walau sedetik pun
View Video Aril Af7 Menatap Wajah Mu:
[Download Aril Af7 Menatap Wajah Mu MP3]
Lyric Aril Af7 Menatap Wajah Mu:
Sungguh indahnya hari berlalu
Menunggu kasih tambatan hati
Ingin rasanya selalu berbagi
Bersamanya kala suatu nanti
Andaikan kau jadi milikku
Selaluku nyanyikan lagu rindu
Andaikan kau dan aku bersatu
Dunia ini berseri selalu
(Lirik Lagu Aril Af7 Menatap Wajah Mu di
Ku ingin dirimu dekat dihatiku
Berdua kita kan raih bahagia
Ku ingin dirimu turut merasa
Rasa rindu untuk menatap matamu
Menatap matamu
Bagaikan bintang nun jauh di sana
Terangi malam yang semakin gelap
Jika kau sudi menemaniku
Takkanku lepas walau sedetik pun
View Video Aril Af7 Menatap Wajah Mu:
Naik apa turun ??
"Bagaimana perekonomian hari ini? Jam ini?? Menit ini??. Bagaimana perkembangan indeks?? Ada kebijakan apa saja di negara yang bersangkutan??"
Hal2 seperti diatas adalah umum bagi orang2 yang ikutan forex. Mungkin salah satunya adalah sobat. Yupp..Hal diatas adalah analisa fundamental, yaitu analisa berdasarkan keadaan pasar. Aku sendiri mulai mengenal forex udah lama. Pernah daftar Marketiva dan fxopen tp kalah mulu, wekekkeke... Dan karena sudah lama banget gak login2, akun fxopenku mpe di banned alias expired, hehehehehe...
Memang, aku punya akun lain di Marketiva (kan langsung dapat $5 pas daftar..hehehehe...) tapi entah kenapa, dengan akun yang lain itu aku gak terlalu bersemanget dalam bertrading. Cuma sebatas melepas rinduku aja akan grafik naik turun itu, hehehehehe.. Kadang aku tinggal begitu aja. Jadi pas posisi sudah untung (walopun sedikit) gak aku close tp aku biarin aja n ujung2nya malah berbalik alias merugi, hehehehee...
Tapi entah kenapa, beberapa hari kemarin ak bener2 rindu akan grafik forex. Rindu dalam artian aku pengen bermain forex lagi dengan lebih serius. Dan ternyata, keinginanku juga bersambut sama dengan temenku yang juga sudah lama "mati suri" dalam forex dan ingin bangkit lagi dalam forex.
Aku sendiri gak terlalu mengerti akan teori2 forex. Yang aku tau hanyalah intinya saja. Kapan saat yang tepat kita membeli mapun menjual.
Keinginan itu akhirnya menjadi kenyataan. Aku (dan temenku) mulai berforex ria lagi walopun dengan modal yang seadanya. Berhubung akun lamaku di fxopen sudah dibanned, aku buat akun lagi. Dan untuk kali ini, bercermin akan pengalaman bermain forex kemarin, aku (dan juga temenku) bermain lebih aman. Aman disini adalah tidak rakus akan profit, lebih cermat, teliti dan jeli dalam mencari kesempatan yang tepat, kapan itu sell atau buy.

Analisis yg dipake?? Gak.. Aku gak pake analisi fundamental seperti diatas. Yang aku pake hanyalah instingku aja. Kalo menurutku sell, ya aku sell. Kalo buy, ya aku buy.
Signal2/indikator forex yang dipake?? Aku cuma pake 1 indikator yaitu Moving Average Eksponensial 5 Close dan 5 Open tapi ak cenderung menggunakan indikator Marketiva yaitu Moving Average Eksponensial 5 dan7 dan MACD bawaan Marketiva. Lha trus gimana bisa tau kapan sell ato buy?? Cuma modal insting dan keberanian ajah dengan sedikit melihat indikator tersebut.
Semoga aja kali ini aku berhasil (aminn..)
Arti forex itu sendiri apa?? Berhubung aku maen forex hanya di mata uang, aku simpulin forex itu adalah jual beli mata uang/valas secara online dimana kita membeli pada harga rendah dan menjual pada harga tinggi. Keuntungan yang didapat berasal dari selisih harga pas kita membeli maupun menjual.
So, sekarang saatnya naik (membeli) ato turun (menjual) ya??? (husss..hari sabtu ya tutup reng..hehehehe...)
- Siap bermain forex brati jg sudah siap akan kalah
- Postingan berikutnya bagaimana cara mendaftar di Marketiva (ada kuponnya juga) dan berikutnya lagi bagaimana mendaftar di Fxopen.
Hal2 seperti diatas adalah umum bagi orang2 yang ikutan forex. Mungkin salah satunya adalah sobat. Yupp..Hal diatas adalah analisa fundamental, yaitu analisa berdasarkan keadaan pasar. Aku sendiri mulai mengenal forex udah lama. Pernah daftar Marketiva dan fxopen tp kalah mulu, wekekkeke... Dan karena sudah lama banget gak login2, akun fxopenku mpe di banned alias expired, hehehehehe...
Memang, aku punya akun lain di Marketiva (kan langsung dapat $5 pas daftar..hehehehe...) tapi entah kenapa, dengan akun yang lain itu aku gak terlalu bersemanget dalam bertrading. Cuma sebatas melepas rinduku aja akan grafik naik turun itu, hehehehehe.. Kadang aku tinggal begitu aja. Jadi pas posisi sudah untung (walopun sedikit) gak aku close tp aku biarin aja n ujung2nya malah berbalik alias merugi, hehehehee...
Tapi entah kenapa, beberapa hari kemarin ak bener2 rindu akan grafik forex. Rindu dalam artian aku pengen bermain forex lagi dengan lebih serius. Dan ternyata, keinginanku juga bersambut sama dengan temenku yang juga sudah lama "mati suri" dalam forex dan ingin bangkit lagi dalam forex.
Aku sendiri gak terlalu mengerti akan teori2 forex. Yang aku tau hanyalah intinya saja. Kapan saat yang tepat kita membeli mapun menjual.
Keinginan itu akhirnya menjadi kenyataan. Aku (dan temenku) mulai berforex ria lagi walopun dengan modal yang seadanya. Berhubung akun lamaku di fxopen sudah dibanned, aku buat akun lagi. Dan untuk kali ini, bercermin akan pengalaman bermain forex kemarin, aku (dan juga temenku) bermain lebih aman. Aman disini adalah tidak rakus akan profit, lebih cermat, teliti dan jeli dalam mencari kesempatan yang tepat, kapan itu sell atau buy.
Analisis yg dipake?? Gak.. Aku gak pake analisi fundamental seperti diatas. Yang aku pake hanyalah instingku aja. Kalo menurutku sell, ya aku sell. Kalo buy, ya aku buy.
Signal2/indikator forex yang dipake?? Aku cuma pake 1 indikator yaitu Moving Average Eksponensial 5 Close dan 5 Open tapi ak cenderung menggunakan indikator Marketiva yaitu Moving Average Eksponensial 5 dan7 dan MACD bawaan Marketiva. Lha trus gimana bisa tau kapan sell ato buy?? Cuma modal insting dan keberanian ajah dengan sedikit melihat indikator tersebut.
Semoga aja kali ini aku berhasil (aminn..)
Arti forex itu sendiri apa?? Berhubung aku maen forex hanya di mata uang, aku simpulin forex itu adalah jual beli mata uang/valas secara online dimana kita membeli pada harga rendah dan menjual pada harga tinggi. Keuntungan yang didapat berasal dari selisih harga pas kita membeli maupun menjual.
So, sekarang saatnya naik (membeli) ato turun (menjual) ya??? (husss..hari sabtu ya tutup reng..hehehehe...)
- Siap bermain forex brati jg sudah siap akan kalah
- Postingan berikutnya bagaimana cara mendaftar di Marketiva (ada kuponnya juga) dan berikutnya lagi bagaimana mendaftar di Fxopen.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Blogger yang sangat Dermawan
Haruskah Blogger mempunyai pasal berlapis untuk "menjerat" para blogger??
Seperti yang kita tau, Blogger merupakan salah satu media untuk untuk ngeblog. Sudah gratis, mudah penggunaanya, fitur yang memadai, dll. Boleh dikatakan, Blogger sangat dermawan kepada kita, sebagai pengguna fasilitas tersebut. Bahkan saking sangat dermawannya, Blogger tidak akan menghapus blog kita (kita sendiri yang menghapus) walaupun blog kita itu cuma sebatas daftar aja. Cuma punya 1 postingan dan bahkan sudah berbulan2 (bertahun2) tanpa ada postingan baru lagi (terlantar..hehehehe..)
Banyak hal/tema yang bisa kita jadikan bahan buat ngeblog. Mungkin 1 tema, 1 blog biar tidak tercampur2 dan artikel/postingan lebih terkesan fokus dengan tema yang sama.

Pernahkan sobat mengalami hal seperti pada gambar diatas ketika sobat mau buat blog baru??. Alamat blog yang sobat inginkan ternyata tidak tersedia alias sudah dipake orang lain. Dan apa yang kita temui pada alamat blog tersebut?? Bisa jadi seperti yang pernah aku temui :
1. Blog tersebut cuma berisi 1 postingan dan itu juga sudah lama banget.
2. 1 postingan aja cuma berisi kata, "aku punya blog", "wooyyy...", "ghgfhgifogh", dll yang intinya gak jelas.
3. Blog tersebut sudah lama gak pernah update lagi (postingan lama sudah beberapa bulan kemarin atau bahkan beberapa tahun kemarin)
4. dan yang lebih tragis lagi, blog itu cuma berisi NAMA BLOG aja tanpa ada postingan 1 pun !!
Mungkin jika alamat blog tersebut secara rutin terus update, kita bisa lebih maklum dan lebih terima tetapi dalam kenyataannya (yang aku temui), alamat blog yang kita pengen tersebut gak jauh dari 4 hal diatas, huuffhhh... Menerimanya dengan perasaan yang sedikit dongkol, hehehehehee...
Bisa jadi hal tersebut dikarenakan :
1. tugas sekolah ato kuliah untuk mempunyai blog
2. mempunyai blog hanya keinginan yang sangat.. sangat sesaat aja
3. sudah jenuh dengan aktivitas ngeblog
4. biar kalo ditanya orang punya blog, wkekekkekekek...
5. ikutan tren aja buat blog abis itu main tinggal gitu aja
6. ada hal lain yang mengharuskan meninggalkan dunia ngeblog, dll
Blogger emang dermawan dan memanjakan kita, para blogger.
"Barang siapa (blogger) yang tidak update blognya dalam kurun waktu yang telah ditentukan oleh Blogger, maka blog tersebut akan dihapus secara otomatis sesuai dengan aturan Blogger pasal aiueo, bab 1234567890"
Seperti yang kita tau, Blogger merupakan salah satu media untuk untuk ngeblog. Sudah gratis, mudah penggunaanya, fitur yang memadai, dll. Boleh dikatakan, Blogger sangat dermawan kepada kita, sebagai pengguna fasilitas tersebut. Bahkan saking sangat dermawannya, Blogger tidak akan menghapus blog kita (kita sendiri yang menghapus) walaupun blog kita itu cuma sebatas daftar aja. Cuma punya 1 postingan dan bahkan sudah berbulan2 (bertahun2) tanpa ada postingan baru lagi (terlantar..hehehehe..)
Banyak hal/tema yang bisa kita jadikan bahan buat ngeblog. Mungkin 1 tema, 1 blog biar tidak tercampur2 dan artikel/postingan lebih terkesan fokus dengan tema yang sama.
Pernahkan sobat mengalami hal seperti pada gambar diatas ketika sobat mau buat blog baru??. Alamat blog yang sobat inginkan ternyata tidak tersedia alias sudah dipake orang lain. Dan apa yang kita temui pada alamat blog tersebut?? Bisa jadi seperti yang pernah aku temui :
1. Blog tersebut cuma berisi 1 postingan dan itu juga sudah lama banget.
2. 1 postingan aja cuma berisi kata, "aku punya blog", "wooyyy...", "ghgfhgifogh", dll yang intinya gak jelas.
3. Blog tersebut sudah lama gak pernah update lagi (postingan lama sudah beberapa bulan kemarin atau bahkan beberapa tahun kemarin)
4. dan yang lebih tragis lagi, blog itu cuma berisi NAMA BLOG aja tanpa ada postingan 1 pun !!
Mungkin jika alamat blog tersebut secara rutin terus update, kita bisa lebih maklum dan lebih terima tetapi dalam kenyataannya (yang aku temui), alamat blog yang kita pengen tersebut gak jauh dari 4 hal diatas, huuffhhh... Menerimanya dengan perasaan yang sedikit dongkol, hehehehehee...
Bisa jadi hal tersebut dikarenakan :
1. tugas sekolah ato kuliah untuk mempunyai blog
2. mempunyai blog hanya keinginan yang sangat.. sangat sesaat aja
3. sudah jenuh dengan aktivitas ngeblog
4. biar kalo ditanya orang punya blog, wkekekkekekek...
5. ikutan tren aja buat blog abis itu main tinggal gitu aja
6. ada hal lain yang mengharuskan meninggalkan dunia ngeblog, dll
Blogger emang dermawan dan memanjakan kita, para blogger.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Readmore Bawaan Blogger Bermasalah??
Seperti yang kita tau, sekarang fungsi Readmore sudah disediakan oleh Blogger sendiri. Tinggal masuk ke menu Setting dan pada Select post editor mejadi Updated Editor.

Tapi ada yang bikin aku gak ngerti dengan fungsi Readmore bawaan Blogger ini. Saat aku aplikasikan ke template buatanku, Kurang Hitam dan Minima Berwarna, ada yang aneh dan layout jadi kacau !! Sidebar pada template2 tersebut mendadak berada di bawah postingan !! Ada apakah ini?? Karena hal tersebut, aku akhirnya batalin fungsi Readmore pada template2 tersebut.
Berdasarkan postingan di blog ini (yang aku dapat setelah bertanya ma mbak Cebong Ipiet) didapat bahwa ada kode yang harus di DELETE. (selengkapnya baca langsung ke sumbernya) Tapi aku sendiri gak paham kode "div" yang didelete itu yg mana, hikss.. Permasalah ini aku kira gak cuma aku saja yang mengalaminya. Banyak blogger lain yang juga dan aku yakin, pihak Blogger sudah tau akan masalah ini. Harapanku, semoga Blogger cepet mengatasi masalah ini sehingga fungsi Readmore dapat berfungsi denan baek tanpa harus mengedit ato mendelete kode.
Tapi ada yang bikin aku gak ngerti dengan fungsi Readmore bawaan Blogger ini. Saat aku aplikasikan ke template buatanku, Kurang Hitam dan Minima Berwarna, ada yang aneh dan layout jadi kacau !! Sidebar pada template2 tersebut mendadak berada di bawah postingan !! Ada apakah ini?? Karena hal tersebut, aku akhirnya batalin fungsi Readmore pada template2 tersebut.
Berdasarkan postingan di blog ini (yang aku dapat setelah bertanya ma mbak Cebong Ipiet) didapat bahwa ada kode yang harus di DELETE. (selengkapnya baca langsung ke sumbernya) Tapi aku sendiri gak paham kode "div" yang didelete itu yg mana, hikss.. Permasalah ini aku kira gak cuma aku saja yang mengalaminya. Banyak blogger lain yang juga dan aku yakin, pihak Blogger sudah tau akan masalah ini. Harapanku, semoga Blogger cepet mengatasi masalah ini sehingga fungsi Readmore dapat berfungsi denan baek tanpa harus mengedit ato mendelete kode.
Download Template Minima Berwarna made in ireng_ajah
Templae Kurang Hitam made in ireng_ajah baru saja aku lonching. Sekarang giliran template Minima Berwarna yang aku lonching (langsung 2 template, hehhehehee...). Template Minima Berwarna ini jauh dari yang namanya warna hitam alias ireng. Melalui template ini aku mencoba bermain warna.

Feature pada template Minima Berwarna :
Liat demo | Download
Feature pada template Minima Berwarna :
2 kolom
Sidebar kanan
Kolom pada header
Liat demo | Download
Download Template Kurang Hitam made in ireng_ajah
Pada postingan sebelumnya, aku perkenalkan template Kurang Hitam made in ireng_ajah. Sekarang template Kurang Hitam sudah dapat sobat dowload.

Feature pada template ini adalah :
Liat demo | Download
Note :
Template made in ireng_ajah yang lain juga sudah bisa sobat download.
Feature pada template ini adalah :
3 kolom
Sidebar kanan
Kolom pada header
Liat demo | Download
Note :
Template made in ireng_ajah yang lain juga sudah bisa sobat download.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Siti Nurhaliza Tahajjud Cinta - Ya Rasulullah MP3 Lirik

Dato' Siti Nurhaliza Tahajjud Cinta MP3
[Download Siti Nurhaliza Tahajjud Cinta Ya RasulullahMP3]
Lyric Siti Nurhaliza Thajjud Cinta Ya Rasulullah:
Kau datang ketika duka
dan bintang bercahya
tunjukku ke jalan syurga
Kau datang ketika duka
dan bintang bercahya
tunjukku ke jalan syurga
Ku haus di tengah laut
lemas mencari tempat berpaut
kirimkan aku kekuatan
serta pedoman di kesesatan
Ku sunyi dalam gembira
perih pedih tanggung derita
sungguh aku bukan wali
yang suci dari hina dan benci
(Lirik Lagu Siti Nurhaliza Tahajjud Cinta Ya Rasulullah Lyrics di
Kau datang ketika duka
dan bintang bercahya
tunjukku ke jalan syurga
Terlalu lama aku mencuba
terlalu banyak
cinta yang ku damba
tiada yang sempurna
hanyalah fana
Tuhan, ampuni hamba-Mu
Kau datang ketika duka
dan bintang bercahya
tunjukku ke jalan syurga
Ku rebah di dada malam
memecah dendam yang lama diam
ku tanggalkan baju dunia
dakapku dengan selimut syurga
ya Tuhanku hanya padamu
tempat mengadu segala rindu
limpahi ku rahmat kasihmu
dalam tahajjud cinta bersujud
View Video Siti Nurhaliza Tahajjud Cinta Ya Rasulullah:
[Download Siti Nurhaliza Tahajjud Cinta Ya RasulullahMP3]
Lyric Siti Nurhaliza Thajjud Cinta Ya Rasulullah:
Kau datang ketika duka
dan bintang bercahya
tunjukku ke jalan syurga
Kau datang ketika duka
dan bintang bercahya
tunjukku ke jalan syurga
Ku haus di tengah laut
lemas mencari tempat berpaut
kirimkan aku kekuatan
serta pedoman di kesesatan
Ku sunyi dalam gembira
perih pedih tanggung derita
sungguh aku bukan wali
yang suci dari hina dan benci
(Lirik Lagu Siti Nurhaliza Tahajjud Cinta Ya Rasulullah Lyrics di
Kau datang ketika duka
dan bintang bercahya
tunjukku ke jalan syurga
Terlalu lama aku mencuba
terlalu banyak
cinta yang ku damba
tiada yang sempurna
hanyalah fana
Tuhan, ampuni hamba-Mu
Kau datang ketika duka
dan bintang bercahya
tunjukku ke jalan syurga
Ku rebah di dada malam
memecah dendam yang lama diam
ku tanggalkan baju dunia
dakapku dengan selimut syurga
ya Tuhanku hanya padamu
tempat mengadu segala rindu
limpahi ku rahmat kasihmu
dalam tahajjud cinta bersujud
View Video Siti Nurhaliza Tahajjud Cinta Ya Rasulullah:
Monday, October 26, 2009
Stacy dan Adam Menggegar Dunia MP3 Lyrics

Stacy dan Adam Menggegar Dunia MP3
[Download Stacy dan Adam Menggegar Dunia MP3]
Lirik lagu Stacy dan Adam Menggegar Dunia:
Adam... Stacy... bergabung meletup
Biarkan orang berkata kita pasangan tak kena
Biarkan mata-mata menjeling penuh curiga
Mereka tidak tahu hubungan engkau dan aku
Meletup bila bersatu
Walaupun ku kekiri, ku kekanan
Kita maju ke hadapan
Siapa benar siapa salah
Yang penting sama mengalah
Ohhh… Ehhh… Ohhh.. Ehhh… Ohhh…
Kita berdua (berdua)… Bersama (Bersama)…
Menggegar dunia
Ohhh… Ehhh… Ohhh.. Ehhh… Ohhh…
Kita berdua (berdua)… Bersama (Bersama)…
Menggegar dunia
Meletup…. Ahhh…
(Stacy featuring with Adam Menggegar Dunia Lyrics on
Biarkan orang berkata kita pasangan tak kena
Biarkan mata-mata menjeling penuh curiga
Mereka tidak tahu hubungan engkau dan aku
Meletup bila bersatu
Walaupun ku kekiri, ku kekanan
Kita maju ke hadapan
Siapa benar siapa salah
Yang penting sama mengalah
Adam… Stacy… bergabung meletup
Ohhh… Ehhh… Ohhh.. Ehhh… Ohhh…
Kita berdua (berdua)… Bersama (Bersama)…
Menggegar dunia
Ohhhh… Ohh… Ohhh… Kita berdua menggegar dunia x2
Ohhh… Ehhh… Ohhh.. Ehhh… Ohhh…
Kita berdua (berdua)… Bersama (Bersama)…
Menggegar dunia
View Video Stacy and Adam Menggegar Dunia:
[Download Stacy dan Adam Menggegar Dunia MP3]
Lirik lagu Stacy dan Adam Menggegar Dunia:
Adam... Stacy... bergabung meletup
Biarkan orang berkata kita pasangan tak kena
Biarkan mata-mata menjeling penuh curiga
Mereka tidak tahu hubungan engkau dan aku
Meletup bila bersatu
Walaupun ku kekiri, ku kekanan
Kita maju ke hadapan
Siapa benar siapa salah
Yang penting sama mengalah
Ohhh… Ehhh… Ohhh.. Ehhh… Ohhh…
Kita berdua (berdua)… Bersama (Bersama)…
Menggegar dunia
Ohhh… Ehhh… Ohhh.. Ehhh… Ohhh…
Kita berdua (berdua)… Bersama (Bersama)…
Menggegar dunia
Meletup…. Ahhh…
(Stacy featuring with Adam Menggegar Dunia Lyrics on
Biarkan orang berkata kita pasangan tak kena
Biarkan mata-mata menjeling penuh curiga
Mereka tidak tahu hubungan engkau dan aku
Meletup bila bersatu
Walaupun ku kekiri, ku kekanan
Kita maju ke hadapan
Siapa benar siapa salah
Yang penting sama mengalah
Adam… Stacy… bergabung meletup
Ohhh… Ehhh… Ohhh.. Ehhh… Ohhh…
Kita berdua (berdua)… Bersama (Bersama)…
Menggegar dunia
Ohhhh… Ohh… Ohhh… Kita berdua menggegar dunia x2
Ohhh… Ehhh… Ohhh.. Ehhh… Ohhh…
Kita berdua (berdua)… Bersama (Bersama)…
Menggegar dunia
View Video Stacy and Adam Menggegar Dunia:
Template Kurang Hitam made in ireng_ajah
Template Kurang Hitam made in ireng_ajah siap lonching???
Jika berkunjung ke web/blog yang tempat berkumpulnya template, halah.. ato blogwalking ke blog orang yg biasa buat template, aku iri. Aku iri pengen bisa buat template. Hal tersebut sudah terlaksana..hurrayy...
Template yang aku gunakan ini, Layar Hitam, adalah template made in ireng_ajah. Sederhana, heheheee...
Template Kurang Hitam
Beberapa hari kemarin, entah kenapa aku pengen sekali buat template lagi dan jadilah template ini, Template Kurang Hitam. Kenapa aku namakan Kurang Hitam?? Ya karena warnanya gak hitam, cuma kehitam-hitaman ajah, halah...
Inilah hasilnya :

Liat Demo Kurang Hitam
Jika sobat berkenan dan mau menggunakan template kreasiku ini, saat ini aku belum menyediakan link downloadnya karena masih ada perbaikan kanan kiri, halah... Nanti kalo sudah beres dan siap lonching, link download akan tersedia dan mudah2an ajah ada yg mau pake (ngarepp...!!!)
Note :
Selain template Kurang Hitam, ada 1 template yg juga sudah siap lonching. Kalo yang 1 ini jauh dari yang namanya warna hitam alias ireng. Tunggu aja kejutan template made in ireng_ajah yang lainnya, mumpung lagi "rajin" bikin template, wekekekkekekeke...
Jika berkunjung ke web/blog yang tempat berkumpulnya template, halah.. ato blogwalking ke blog orang yg biasa buat template, aku iri. Aku iri pengen bisa buat template. Hal tersebut sudah terlaksana..hurrayy...
Template yang aku gunakan ini, Layar Hitam, adalah template made in ireng_ajah. Sederhana, heheheee...
Template Kurang Hitam
Beberapa hari kemarin, entah kenapa aku pengen sekali buat template lagi dan jadilah template ini, Template Kurang Hitam. Kenapa aku namakan Kurang Hitam?? Ya karena warnanya gak hitam, cuma kehitam-hitaman ajah, halah...
Inilah hasilnya :
Liat Demo Kurang Hitam
Jika sobat berkenan dan mau menggunakan template kreasiku ini, saat ini aku belum menyediakan link downloadnya karena masih ada perbaikan kanan kiri, halah... Nanti kalo sudah beres dan siap lonching, link download akan tersedia dan mudah2an ajah ada yg mau pake (ngarepp...!!!)
Note :
Selain template Kurang Hitam, ada 1 template yg juga sudah siap lonching. Kalo yang 1 ini jauh dari yang namanya warna hitam alias ireng. Tunggu aja kejutan template made in ireng_ajah yang lainnya, mumpung lagi "rajin" bikin template, wekekekkekekeke...
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Cheryl Cole Fight For This Love MP3 Lyrics

Cheryl Cole Fight For This Love MP3
[Download Cheryl Cole Fight For This Love MP3]
Lyric Cheryl Cole Fight For This Love:
Too much of anything can make you sink
Even the good can be a curse
Makes it hard to know which road to go down
Knowing too much can get you hurt
Is it better is it worse?
Always sitting in reverse
Just like we're going backwards (backwards)
I know where I want this to go
Driving fast but let's go slow
What I don't wanna do is crash, no
Just know that you're not in this thing alone
There's always a place in me that you can call home
Whenever you feel like we're growing apart
Let's just go back back back back back to the start, oh
Anything that's worth having
Is sure enough worth fighting for
Quittings out of the question
When it gets tough gotta fight some more
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
If it's worth having it's worth fighting for
Now everyday ain't gon' be no picnic
Love ain't no walk in the park
All you can do is make the best of it now
Can't be afraid of the dark
Just know that you're not in this thing alone
There's always a place in me that you can call home
Whenever you feel like we're growing apart
Let's just go back back back back back to the start, oh
Anything that's worth having
Is sure enough worth fighting for
Quittings out of the question
When it gets tough gotta fight some more
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
If it's worth having it's worth fighting for
I don't know where we're heading I'm willing and ready to go
We've been driving so fast we just need to slow down and just roll
Anything that's worth having
Is sure enough worth fighting for
Quittings out of the question
When it gets tough gotta fight some more
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
If it's worth having it's worth fighting for
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
If it's worth having it's worth fighting for
(Cheryl Cole Fight For This Love Lyrics on
View Video Cheryl Cole Fight For This Love:
[Download Cheryl Cole Fight For This Love MP3]
Lyric Cheryl Cole Fight For This Love:
Too much of anything can make you sink
Even the good can be a curse
Makes it hard to know which road to go down
Knowing too much can get you hurt
Is it better is it worse?
Always sitting in reverse
Just like we're going backwards (backwards)
I know where I want this to go
Driving fast but let's go slow
What I don't wanna do is crash, no
Just know that you're not in this thing alone
There's always a place in me that you can call home
Whenever you feel like we're growing apart
Let's just go back back back back back to the start, oh
Anything that's worth having
Is sure enough worth fighting for
Quittings out of the question
When it gets tough gotta fight some more
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
If it's worth having it's worth fighting for
Now everyday ain't gon' be no picnic
Love ain't no walk in the park
All you can do is make the best of it now
Can't be afraid of the dark
Just know that you're not in this thing alone
There's always a place in me that you can call home
Whenever you feel like we're growing apart
Let's just go back back back back back to the start, oh
Anything that's worth having
Is sure enough worth fighting for
Quittings out of the question
When it gets tough gotta fight some more
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
If it's worth having it's worth fighting for
I don't know where we're heading I'm willing and ready to go
We've been driving so fast we just need to slow down and just roll
Anything that's worth having
Is sure enough worth fighting for
Quittings out of the question
When it gets tough gotta fight some more
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
If it's worth having it's worth fighting for
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
We gotta fight fight fight fight fight for this love
If it's worth having it's worth fighting for
(Cheryl Cole Fight For This Love Lyrics on
View Video Cheryl Cole Fight For This Love:
Jason DeRulo Whatcha Say MP3 Lyrics

Jason DeRulo Whatcha Say MP3
Part of this song taken from previous song done by Imogen Heep Hide and Seek.
[Download Jason DeRulo Whatcha Say MP3]
Lyric Jason DeRulo Whatcha Say :
Wha- wha- what did she say
Mmmm whatcha say,
Mmm that you only meant well?
Well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say,
Mmmm that it's all for the best?
Of course it is
[Verse 1]
I was so wrong for so long
Only tryin' to please myself (myself)
Girl, I was caught up in her lust
When I don't really want no one else
So, no I know I should of treated you better
But me and you were meant to last forever
So let me in (let me in) give me another chance (another chance)
To really be your man
Cause when the roof cave in and the truth came out
I just didn't know what to do
But when I become a star we'll be living so large
I'll do anything for you
So tell me girl
Mmmm whatcha say,
Mmm that you only meant well?
Well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say)
Mmmm that it's all for the best?
Of course it is
Mmmm whatcha say,
Mmm that you only meant well?
Well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say)
Wha- wha- wha- wha- what did she say
[Verse 2]
How, could I live with myself
Knowing that I let our love go (love go)
And ooh, when I do with one chance
I just gotta let you know
I know what I did wasn't clever
But me and you we're meant to be together
So let me in (let me in) give me another chance (another chance)
To really be your man
Cause when the roof cave in and the truth came out
I just didn't know what to do
But when I become a star we'll be living so large
I'll do anything for you
So tell me girl
Mmmm whatcha say,
Mmm that you only meant well?
Well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say, whatcha say)
Mmmm that it's all for the best?
Of course it is
Mmmm whatcha say,
Mmm that you only meant well?
Well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say, whatcha say)
Wha- wha- wha- wha- what did she say
(Jason DeRulo Whatcha Say Lyrics on
[Verse 3]
Girl, tell me whatcha said (said)
I don't want you to leave me
Though you caught me cheatin'
Tell me, tell me whatcha said (said)
I really need you in my life
Cuz things ain't right, girl
Tell me, tell me whatcha said (said)
I don't want you to leave me
Though you caught me cheatin'
Tell me, tell me whatcha said (said)
I really need you in my life
Cuz things ain't right
Cause when the roof cave in and the truth came out
I just didn't know what to do
But when I become a star we'll be living so large
I'll do anything for you
So baby watcha say!
Mmmm whatcha say,
Mmm that you only meant well?
Well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say, whatcha say)
Mmmm that it's all for the best?
Of course it is
Mmmm whatcha say,
Mmm that you only meant well?
Well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say, whatcha say)
Wha- wha- wha- wha- what did she say
View Video Jason DeRulo Whatcha Say :
Part of this song taken from previous song done by Imogen Heep Hide and Seek.
[Download Jason DeRulo Whatcha Say MP3]
Lyric Jason DeRulo Whatcha Say :
Wha- wha- what did she say
Mmmm whatcha say,
Mmm that you only meant well?
Well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say,
Mmmm that it's all for the best?
Of course it is
[Verse 1]
I was so wrong for so long
Only tryin' to please myself (myself)
Girl, I was caught up in her lust
When I don't really want no one else
So, no I know I should of treated you better
But me and you were meant to last forever
So let me in (let me in) give me another chance (another chance)
To really be your man
Cause when the roof cave in and the truth came out
I just didn't know what to do
But when I become a star we'll be living so large
I'll do anything for you
So tell me girl
Mmmm whatcha say,
Mmm that you only meant well?
Well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say)
Mmmm that it's all for the best?
Of course it is
Mmmm whatcha say,
Mmm that you only meant well?
Well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say)
Wha- wha- wha- wha- what did she say
[Verse 2]
How, could I live with myself
Knowing that I let our love go (love go)
And ooh, when I do with one chance
I just gotta let you know
I know what I did wasn't clever
But me and you we're meant to be together
So let me in (let me in) give me another chance (another chance)
To really be your man
Cause when the roof cave in and the truth came out
I just didn't know what to do
But when I become a star we'll be living so large
I'll do anything for you
So tell me girl
Mmmm whatcha say,
Mmm that you only meant well?
Well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say, whatcha say)
Mmmm that it's all for the best?
Of course it is
Mmmm whatcha say,
Mmm that you only meant well?
Well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say, whatcha say)
Wha- wha- wha- wha- what did she say
(Jason DeRulo Whatcha Say Lyrics on
[Verse 3]
Girl, tell me whatcha said (said)
I don't want you to leave me
Though you caught me cheatin'
Tell me, tell me whatcha said (said)
I really need you in my life
Cuz things ain't right, girl
Tell me, tell me whatcha said (said)
I don't want you to leave me
Though you caught me cheatin'
Tell me, tell me whatcha said (said)
I really need you in my life
Cuz things ain't right
Cause when the roof cave in and the truth came out
I just didn't know what to do
But when I become a star we'll be living so large
I'll do anything for you
So baby watcha say!
Mmmm whatcha say,
Mmm that you only meant well?
Well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say, whatcha say)
Mmmm that it's all for the best?
Of course it is
Mmmm whatcha say,
Mmm that you only meant well?
Well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say, (whatcha say, whatcha say)
Wha- wha- wha- wha- what did she say
View Video Jason DeRulo Whatcha Say :
Lady Gaga Paparazzi MP3 Lyrics

Lady Gaga Paparazzi MP3
[Download Lady Gaga Paparazzi MP3]
Lyric Lady Gaga Paparazzi :
we are the crowd, we're c-coming out
got my flash on it's true, need that picture of you
it's so magical, we'd be so fantastico
leather and jeans, garage glamorous
not sure what it means but this photo of us
it don't have a price, ready for those flashing lights
'cause you know that baby I
I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me, papa-paparazzi
baby, there's no other superstar
you know that I'll be your papa-paparazzi
promise I'll be kind, but I won't stop until that boy is mine
baby you'll be famous, chase you down until you love me
I'll be your girl backstage at your show
velvet ropes and guitars, yeah 'cause you're my rockstar
in between the sets, eyeliner and cigarettes
shadow is burnt, yellow dance and we turn
my lashes are dry, purple teardrops I cry
it don't have a price, loving you is cherry pie
'cause you know that baby I
I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me, papa-paparazzi
baby there's no other superstar
you know that I'll be your papa-paparazzi
promise I'll be kind but I won't stop until that boy is mine
baby you'll be famous, chase you down until you love me
(Lady Gaga Paparazzi Lyrics on
real good, we dance in the studio
snap snap, to that shit on the radio
don't stop for anyone
we're plastic but we still have fun
I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me, papa-paparazzi
baby there's no other superstar
you know that I'll be your papa-paparazzi
promise I'll be kind but I won't stop until that boy is mine
baby you'll be famous, chase you down until you love me
View Video Lady Gaga Paparazzi :
[Download Lady Gaga Paparazzi MP3]
Lyric Lady Gaga Paparazzi :
we are the crowd, we're c-coming out
got my flash on it's true, need that picture of you
it's so magical, we'd be so fantastico
leather and jeans, garage glamorous
not sure what it means but this photo of us
it don't have a price, ready for those flashing lights
'cause you know that baby I
I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me, papa-paparazzi
baby, there's no other superstar
you know that I'll be your papa-paparazzi
promise I'll be kind, but I won't stop until that boy is mine
baby you'll be famous, chase you down until you love me
I'll be your girl backstage at your show
velvet ropes and guitars, yeah 'cause you're my rockstar
in between the sets, eyeliner and cigarettes
shadow is burnt, yellow dance and we turn
my lashes are dry, purple teardrops I cry
it don't have a price, loving you is cherry pie
'cause you know that baby I
I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me, papa-paparazzi
baby there's no other superstar
you know that I'll be your papa-paparazzi
promise I'll be kind but I won't stop until that boy is mine
baby you'll be famous, chase you down until you love me
(Lady Gaga Paparazzi Lyrics on
real good, we dance in the studio
snap snap, to that shit on the radio
don't stop for anyone
we're plastic but we still have fun
I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me, papa-paparazzi
baby there's no other superstar
you know that I'll be your papa-paparazzi
promise I'll be kind but I won't stop until that boy is mine
baby you'll be famous, chase you down until you love me
View Video Lady Gaga Paparazzi :
Owl City Fireflies MP3 Lyrics

Owl City Fireflies MP3
[Download Owl City Fireflies MP3]
Lyric Owl City Fireflies:
you would not believe your eyes
if ten million fireflies lit up the world as i fell asleep
'Cause they'd fill the open air
and leave teardrops everywhere
you'd think me rude but I'd just stand and stare
I'd like to make myself believe
that planet Earth turns slowly
Its hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems
'Cause id get a thousand hugs from ten thousand lightning bugs
as they tried to teach me how to dance
A foxtrot above my head
a sock hop beneath my bed
a disco ball is just hanging by a thread
When i fall asleep leave my door open just a crack
(please take me away from here)
'Cause i feel like such an insomniac
(please take me away from here)
why do i tire of counting sheep
(please take me away from here)
when I'm far too tired to fall asleep
(Owl City Fireflies Lyrics on
To ten million fireflies
I'm weird 'cause i hate goodbyes
i got misty eyes as they said farewell
but ill know where several are
if my dreams get real bizarre
'cause i saved a few and i keep them in a jar
Chorus (x2)
I'd like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that i'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
'Cause my dreams are bursting at the seams
View Video Owl City Fireflies:
[Download Owl City Fireflies MP3]
Lyric Owl City Fireflies:
you would not believe your eyes
if ten million fireflies lit up the world as i fell asleep
'Cause they'd fill the open air
and leave teardrops everywhere
you'd think me rude but I'd just stand and stare
I'd like to make myself believe
that planet Earth turns slowly
Its hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems
'Cause id get a thousand hugs from ten thousand lightning bugs
as they tried to teach me how to dance
A foxtrot above my head
a sock hop beneath my bed
a disco ball is just hanging by a thread
When i fall asleep leave my door open just a crack
(please take me away from here)
'Cause i feel like such an insomniac
(please take me away from here)
why do i tire of counting sheep
(please take me away from here)
when I'm far too tired to fall asleep
(Owl City Fireflies Lyrics on
To ten million fireflies
I'm weird 'cause i hate goodbyes
i got misty eyes as they said farewell
but ill know where several are
if my dreams get real bizarre
'cause i saved a few and i keep them in a jar
Chorus (x2)
I'd like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that i'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
'Cause my dreams are bursting at the seams
View Video Owl City Fireflies:
Jay Z Run This Town MP3 Lyrics (Featuring Rihanna & Kanye West)

Jay-Z Run This Town MP3
(Featuring Rihanna & Kanye West)
[Download Run This Town MP3]
Lyric Run This Town Jay-Z feat. Rihanna and Kanye West:
Feel it coming in the air
Hear the screams from everywhere
I’m addicted to the the thrill
It’s a dangerous love affair
Can’t be scared when it goes down
Got a problem, tell me now
Only thing that’s on my mind
Is who gon’ run this town tonight
Is who gon’ run this town tonight
We gon’ run this town
We are, yeah, I said it, we are
This is Roc Nation, pledge your allegiance
Get y’all fatigues on, all black everything
Black cards, black cars, all black everything
And our girls are blackbirds, riding with they Dillingers
I get more in-depth if you boys really real enough
This is La Familia, I’ll explain later
But for now, let me get back to this paper
I’m a couple bands down and I’m tryna get back
I gave Doug a grip, I lost a flip for five stacks
Yeah, I’m talking five comma six zeroes dot zero, here girl
Back to running circles ’round niggas, now we squared up
Hold up
Life’s a game but it’s not fair
I break the rules so I don’t care
So I keep doing my own thing
Walking tall against the rain
Victory’s within the mile
Almost there, don’t give up now
Only thing that’s on my mind
Is who gon’ run this town tonight
Hey-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey, ey-ey-ey-ey
Hey-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey, ey-ey-ey-ey
Who gon’ run this town tonight?
We are, yeah, I said it, we are
You can call me Caesar, in a dark Caesar
Please follow the leader, so Eric B. we are
Microphone fiend, it’s the return of the God, peace, God
And ain’t nobody fresher
I’m in Maison, uh, Martin Margiela
On the table, screaming fuck the other side, they jealous
We got a bankhead full of broads, they got a table full of fellas
(Ewww) And they ain’t spendin’ no cake
They should throw they hand in, ’cause they ain’t got no spades
(Ewww) My whole team got dough
So my bankhead is lookin’ like Millionaires’ Row
Life’s a game but it’s not fair
I break the rules so I don’t care
So I keep doing my own thing
Walking tall against the rain
Victory’s within the mile
Almost there, don’t give up now
Only thing that’s on my mind
Is who gon’ run this town tonight
Hey-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey, ey-ey-ey-ey
Hey-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey, ey-ey-ey-ey
Who gon’ run this town tonight?
(Run This Town Jay-Z feat. Rihanna and Kanye West Lyrics on
(Kanye West)
It’s crazy how you can go from being Joe Blow
To everybody on your dick, no homo
I bought my whole family whips, no Volvos
Next time I’m in church, please no photos
Police escorts, everybody passports
This the life that everybody ask for
This a fast life, we are on a crash course
What you think I rap for? To push a fuckin’ Rav 4?
But I know that if I stay stunting
All these girls only gon’ want one thing
I could spend my whole life good will hunting
Only good gon’ come is it’s good when I’m coming
She got an ass that’ll swallow up her G-string
And up top, uh, two bee stings
And I’m beasting, off the re-sling
And my nigga just made it out the precinct
We give a damn about the drama that you do bring
I’m just tryna change the color on your mood ring
Reebok, baby, you need to try some new things
Have you ever had shoes without shoestrings?
What’s that, Ye? Baby, these heels
Is that a May-what? Baby, these wheels
You trippin’ when you ain’t sippin’, have a refill
You feelin’ like you run it, huh?
Now you know how we feel
Hey-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey, ey-ey-ey-ey
Hey-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey, ey-ey-ey-ey
Hey-ey-ey-ey-ey-yeah, ey-ey-ey-yeah
We gon’ run this town tonight
View Video Run This Town Jay-Z feat. Rihanna and Kanye West:
(Featuring Rihanna & Kanye West)
[Download Run This Town MP3]
Lyric Run This Town Jay-Z feat. Rihanna and Kanye West:
Feel it coming in the air
Hear the screams from everywhere
I’m addicted to the the thrill
It’s a dangerous love affair
Can’t be scared when it goes down
Got a problem, tell me now
Only thing that’s on my mind
Is who gon’ run this town tonight
Is who gon’ run this town tonight
We gon’ run this town
We are, yeah, I said it, we are
This is Roc Nation, pledge your allegiance
Get y’all fatigues on, all black everything
Black cards, black cars, all black everything
And our girls are blackbirds, riding with they Dillingers
I get more in-depth if you boys really real enough
This is La Familia, I’ll explain later
But for now, let me get back to this paper
I’m a couple bands down and I’m tryna get back
I gave Doug a grip, I lost a flip for five stacks
Yeah, I’m talking five comma six zeroes dot zero, here girl
Back to running circles ’round niggas, now we squared up
Hold up
Life’s a game but it’s not fair
I break the rules so I don’t care
So I keep doing my own thing
Walking tall against the rain
Victory’s within the mile
Almost there, don’t give up now
Only thing that’s on my mind
Is who gon’ run this town tonight
Hey-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey, ey-ey-ey-ey
Hey-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey, ey-ey-ey-ey
Who gon’ run this town tonight?
We are, yeah, I said it, we are
You can call me Caesar, in a dark Caesar
Please follow the leader, so Eric B. we are
Microphone fiend, it’s the return of the God, peace, God
And ain’t nobody fresher
I’m in Maison, uh, Martin Margiela
On the table, screaming fuck the other side, they jealous
We got a bankhead full of broads, they got a table full of fellas
(Ewww) And they ain’t spendin’ no cake
They should throw they hand in, ’cause they ain’t got no spades
(Ewww) My whole team got dough
So my bankhead is lookin’ like Millionaires’ Row
Life’s a game but it’s not fair
I break the rules so I don’t care
So I keep doing my own thing
Walking tall against the rain
Victory’s within the mile
Almost there, don’t give up now
Only thing that’s on my mind
Is who gon’ run this town tonight
Hey-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey, ey-ey-ey-ey
Hey-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey, ey-ey-ey-ey
Who gon’ run this town tonight?
(Run This Town Jay-Z feat. Rihanna and Kanye West Lyrics on
(Kanye West)
It’s crazy how you can go from being Joe Blow
To everybody on your dick, no homo
I bought my whole family whips, no Volvos
Next time I’m in church, please no photos
Police escorts, everybody passports
This the life that everybody ask for
This a fast life, we are on a crash course
What you think I rap for? To push a fuckin’ Rav 4?
But I know that if I stay stunting
All these girls only gon’ want one thing
I could spend my whole life good will hunting
Only good gon’ come is it’s good when I’m coming
She got an ass that’ll swallow up her G-string
And up top, uh, two bee stings
And I’m beasting, off the re-sling
And my nigga just made it out the precinct
We give a damn about the drama that you do bring
I’m just tryna change the color on your mood ring
Reebok, baby, you need to try some new things
Have you ever had shoes without shoestrings?
What’s that, Ye? Baby, these heels
Is that a May-what? Baby, these wheels
You trippin’ when you ain’t sippin’, have a refill
You feelin’ like you run it, huh?
Now you know how we feel
Hey-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey, ey-ey-ey-ey
Hey-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey, ey-ey-ey-ey
Hey-ey-ey-ey-ey-yeah, ey-ey-ey-yeah
We gon’ run this town tonight
View Video Run This Town Jay-Z feat. Rihanna and Kanye West:
Rihanna Te Amo MP3 Lyrics

Rihanna Te Amo MP3
[Download Rihanna Te Amo MP3]
Lyric Rihanna Te Amo:
Verse 1:
Te amo, te amo, she say's to me.
I hear the pain in her voice.
Then we danced underneath the candleabra, she takes the lead.
That's when i saw it in her eyes, it's over.
Then she said Te amo, then she put her hand around me waist.
I told her no she cried Te amo,
i told her i'm not gonna run away, but let me go.
My soul is a cry , without asking why.
I said Te amo, wish somebody would tell me what she said.
Don't it mean I love you.
I think it means I love you.
Don't it mean I love you.
Verse 2:
Te amo, te amo, she's scared to breathe.
I hold her hand, i got no choice, uhh.
Pulled me out on the beach, danced in the water, I start to leave.
She's begging me and asking why it's over.
Then she said Te amo, then she put her hand around me waist.
I told her no she cried Te amo,
i told her i'm not gonna run away, but let me go.
My soul is a cry , without asking why.
I said Te amo, wish somebody would tell me what she said.
Don't it mean I love you.
I think it means I love you.
Don't it mean I love you.
(Rihanna Te Amo Lyrics on
Yes we can dance.
But you gotta watch your hands.
Watch me all night.
I move under the light because i understand.
That we all need love, and i'm not afraid.
I feel the love but i don't feel that way.
Then she said Te amo, then she put her hand around me waist.
I told her no she cried Te amo, i told her i'm not gonna run away, but let me go.
My soul is a cry , without asking why.
I said Te amo, wish somebody would tell me what she said
Don't it mean I love you.
I think it means I love you.
Don't it mean I love you.
I think it means I love you, I love you.
Te amo, te amo, don't it mean i love you.
View Video Rihanna Te Amo:
[Download Rihanna Te Amo MP3]
Lyric Rihanna Te Amo:
Verse 1:
Te amo, te amo, she say's to me.
I hear the pain in her voice.
Then we danced underneath the candleabra, she takes the lead.
That's when i saw it in her eyes, it's over.
Then she said Te amo, then she put her hand around me waist.
I told her no she cried Te amo,
i told her i'm not gonna run away, but let me go.
My soul is a cry , without asking why.
I said Te amo, wish somebody would tell me what she said.
Don't it mean I love you.
I think it means I love you.
Don't it mean I love you.
Verse 2:
Te amo, te amo, she's scared to breathe.
I hold her hand, i got no choice, uhh.
Pulled me out on the beach, danced in the water, I start to leave.
She's begging me and asking why it's over.
Then she said Te amo, then she put her hand around me waist.
I told her no she cried Te amo,
i told her i'm not gonna run away, but let me go.
My soul is a cry , without asking why.
I said Te amo, wish somebody would tell me what she said.
Don't it mean I love you.
I think it means I love you.
Don't it mean I love you.
(Rihanna Te Amo Lyrics on
Yes we can dance.
But you gotta watch your hands.
Watch me all night.
I move under the light because i understand.
That we all need love, and i'm not afraid.
I feel the love but i don't feel that way.
Then she said Te amo, then she put her hand around me waist.
I told her no she cried Te amo, i told her i'm not gonna run away, but let me go.
My soul is a cry , without asking why.
I said Te amo, wish somebody would tell me what she said
Don't it mean I love you.
I think it means I love you.
Don't it mean I love you.
I think it means I love you, I love you.
Te amo, te amo, don't it mean i love you.
View Video Rihanna Te Amo:
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Jay Sean Down MP3 Lyric (Featuring Lil Wayne)

Jay Sean Feat. Lil Wayne Down MP3
Im so in love with this Song.. Gush .. feel wanna dance... Feel soo happy..
[Download Jay Sean Feat. Lil Wayne Down MP3]
Lyric Jay Sean Feat. Lil Wayne Down:
Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, down
Even if the sky is falling down,
Down, down
[Verse 1:]
You ought to know, tonight is the night to let it go,
Put on a show, i wanna see how you lose control
So leave it behind 'cause we have a night to get away
So come on and fly with me, as we make our great escape
So baby don’t worry,
You are my only,
You won’t be lonely,
Even if the sky is falling down
You’ll be my only
No need to worry
Baby are you down down down down down
Down, Down
Baby are you down down down down down
Down, Down
Even if the sky is falling down
[Verse 2:]
Just let it be, come on and bring your body next to me
I’ll take you away, hey, turn this place into our private getaway
So leave it behind 'cause we have a night to get away
So come on and fly with me, as we make our great escape
So why don’t we run away
So baby don’t worry,
You are my only, (Ooh)
You won’t be lonely, (No)
Even if the sky is falling down
You’ll be my only
No need to worry (yeah, oh)
Baby are you down down down down down
Down, Down (Woo!)
Baby are you down down down down down
Down, Down (Mmm, you down)
Even if the sky is falling down
[Verse 3:(Lil' Wayne)]
Even if the sky is falling down like she supposed to be,
She gets down low for me,
Down like her temperature, ‘cause to me she zero degree,
She cold, over freeze,
I got that girl from overseas,
Now she my miss America,
now can i be her soldier please,
I’m fighting for this girl,
On a battlefield of love,
Don’t it look like baby cupid sent his arrows from above,
Don’t you ever leave the side of me,
Indefinitely, not probably,
and honestly I'm down like the economy,
(Jay Sean Feat. Lil Wayne Down Lyrics on
So baby don’t worry, (Yeaaahhhh)
You are my only,
You won’t be lonely,
Even if the sky is falling down (Even if the sky is falling down)
You’ll be my only (ooooooohhh)
No need to worry (Oooooooooh)
Baby are you down down down down down (If the sky is falling down)
Down, Down (Mmm, down)
Baby are you down down down down down (You down)
Down, Down (Oooooohh)
(Even if the sky is falling down)
Even if the sky is falling down (oooooooh)
If the sky is falling down
(See you down)
View Video Jay Sean Feat. Lil Wayne Down:
Im so in love with this Song.. Gush .. feel wanna dance... Feel soo happy..
[Download Jay Sean Feat. Lil Wayne Down MP3]
Lyric Jay Sean Feat. Lil Wayne Down:
Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, down
Even if the sky is falling down,
Down, down
[Verse 1:]
You ought to know, tonight is the night to let it go,
Put on a show, i wanna see how you lose control
So leave it behind 'cause we have a night to get away
So come on and fly with me, as we make our great escape
So baby don’t worry,
You are my only,
You won’t be lonely,
Even if the sky is falling down
You’ll be my only
No need to worry
Baby are you down down down down down
Down, Down
Baby are you down down down down down
Down, Down
Even if the sky is falling down
[Verse 2:]
Just let it be, come on and bring your body next to me
I’ll take you away, hey, turn this place into our private getaway
So leave it behind 'cause we have a night to get away
So come on and fly with me, as we make our great escape
So why don’t we run away
So baby don’t worry,
You are my only, (Ooh)
You won’t be lonely, (No)
Even if the sky is falling down
You’ll be my only
No need to worry (yeah, oh)
Baby are you down down down down down
Down, Down (Woo!)
Baby are you down down down down down
Down, Down (Mmm, you down)
Even if the sky is falling down
[Verse 3:(Lil' Wayne)]
Even if the sky is falling down like she supposed to be,
She gets down low for me,
Down like her temperature, ‘cause to me she zero degree,
She cold, over freeze,
I got that girl from overseas,
Now she my miss America,
now can i be her soldier please,
I’m fighting for this girl,
On a battlefield of love,
Don’t it look like baby cupid sent his arrows from above,
Don’t you ever leave the side of me,
Indefinitely, not probably,
and honestly I'm down like the economy,
(Jay Sean Feat. Lil Wayne Down Lyrics on
So baby don’t worry, (Yeaaahhhh)
You are my only,
You won’t be lonely,
Even if the sky is falling down (Even if the sky is falling down)
You’ll be my only (ooooooohhh)
No need to worry (Oooooooooh)
Baby are you down down down down down (If the sky is falling down)
Down, Down (Mmm, down)
Baby are you down down down down down (You down)
Down, Down (Oooooohh)
(Even if the sky is falling down)
Even if the sky is falling down (oooooooh)
If the sky is falling down
(See you down)
View Video Jay Sean Feat. Lil Wayne Down:
Se a vida fosse um sonho

Se a vida fosse um sonho
Eu gostaria de jamais acordar.
Se a vida fosse uma canção
Gostaria jamais deixar de ouvi-la.
Se a vida fosse uma flor
Gostaria que sua beleza e perfume não morressem.
Se a vida fosse um desejo
O desejo seria da eternidade…
Mas a vida é um caminho
Sem sonhos,Sem canções,Sem flores,Sem desejos…
A vida é o desafio
De cada um de nós
Viver é sobreviver…
Chegar até velhice
É o mesmo que ganhar uma luta
Onde o troféu é a história que se pode viver.
Nada faz da vida
A certeza de um amanhã.
A vida é aprender que não se pode
Esperar o amanhã,Pois o amanhã simplesmente é um mistério.
Viver o presente
É ser sábio,Viver do passado e do amanhã
É acreditar em ilusões concretas.
edição :JOSUÉ NETO

Se a vida fosse um sonho
Eu gostaria de jamais acordar.
Se a vida fosse uma canção
Gostaria jamais deixar de ouvi-la.
Se a vida fosse uma flor
Gostaria que sua beleza e perfume não morressem.
Se a vida fosse um desejo
O desejo seria da eternidade…
Mas a vida é um caminho
Sem sonhos,Sem canções,Sem flores,Sem desejos…
A vida é o desafio
De cada um de nós
Viver é sobreviver…
Chegar até velhice
É o mesmo que ganhar uma luta
Onde o troféu é a história que se pode viver.
Nada faz da vida
A certeza de um amanhã.
A vida é aprender que não se pode
Esperar o amanhã,Pois o amanhã simplesmente é um mistério.
Viver o presente
É ser sábio,Viver do passado e do amanhã
É acreditar em ilusões concretas.
edição :JOSUÉ NETO
Friday, October 16, 2009
our safari parks
In year 4 this week it has been science week,we have been reading a book called the mixed up chameleon.In the book there is a chameleon and when its hungry it turns grey,when its happy it is shiny green.
When the chameleon is on a tree in turns brown to blend in to the trees,or if there is a flower then it can blend into the petals.
When the chameleon spots a fly he turns upside down and then he gets ready to
gobble the fly up! (yummy yummy!)
In the story the chameleon goes to a zoo and he sees all of these animals (e.g) there was a elephant,a fox,a pola bear and there was much more.
The chameleon said to himself what it would be like if he was all those animals,then he stopped and started to think that he had a elephants head and seagull feet.Just then a fly came fluttering along but the chameleon couldn't eat him so the chameleon tured back to his normal form and he he ate the fly up
The End !
by: Rebecca & Faizah.
When the chameleon is on a tree in turns brown to blend in to the trees,or if there is a flower then it can blend into the petals.
When the chameleon spots a fly he turns upside down and then he gets ready to
gobble the fly up! (yummy yummy!)
In the story the chameleon goes to a zoo and he sees all of these animals (e.g) there was a elephant,a fox,a pola bear and there was much more.
The chameleon said to himself what it would be like if he was all those animals,then he stopped and started to think that he had a elephants head and seagull feet.Just then a fly came fluttering along but the chameleon couldn't eat him so the chameleon tured back to his normal form and he he ate the fly up
The End !
by: Rebecca & Faizah.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Beyonce Knowles Sweet Dreams

Beyonce Knowles Sweet Dreams MP3
[Download Beyonce Knowles Sweet Dreams MP3]
Lyric Beyonce Knowles Sweet Dreams:
(Turn The Lights On)
Every night I rush to my bed
With hopes that maybe I’ll get a chance to see you
When i close my eyes
I’m going out of my head
Lost in a fairytale
Can you hold my hands and be my guide
Clouds filled with stars cover your skies
And I hope it rains
You’re the perfect lullaby
What kinda dream am is this?
You could be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you (Turn The Lights On)
Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Somebody pinch me, your love's too good to be true (Turn The Lights On)
My guilty pleasure I ain't going no where
Baby long as you're here
I’ll be floating on air cause you're my
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you (Turn The Lights On)
I mention you when I say my prayers
I wrap you around all of my thoughts
Boy you're my temporary high
I wish that when I wake up you’re there
To wrap your arms around me for real
And tell me you’ll stay by side
Clouds filled with stars cover your skies
And I hope it rains
You’re the perfect lullaby
What kinda dream is this
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you (Turn The Lights On)
Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Somebody pinch me, your love's too good to be true (Turn The Lights On)
My guilty pleasure I ain't going no where,
Baby long as you're here
I’ll be floating on air cause you're my
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you (Turn The Lights On)
Tattoo your name across my heart
So it will remain
Not even death can make us part
What kind of dream is this?
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you (Turn The Lights On)
Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Somebody pinch me, your love's too good to be true (Turn The Lights On)
My guilty pleasure I ain't going no where
Baby long as you're here
I’ll be floating on air cause you're my,
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you (Turn The Lights On)
(Turn the lights off)
(Beyonce Knowles Sweet Dreams Lyrics on
View Video Beyonce Knowles Sweet Dreams:
[Download Beyonce Knowles Sweet Dreams MP3]
Lyric Beyonce Knowles Sweet Dreams:
(Turn The Lights On)
Every night I rush to my bed
With hopes that maybe I’ll get a chance to see you
When i close my eyes
I’m going out of my head
Lost in a fairytale
Can you hold my hands and be my guide
Clouds filled with stars cover your skies
And I hope it rains
You’re the perfect lullaby
What kinda dream am is this?
You could be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you (Turn The Lights On)
Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Somebody pinch me, your love's too good to be true (Turn The Lights On)
My guilty pleasure I ain't going no where
Baby long as you're here
I’ll be floating on air cause you're my
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you (Turn The Lights On)
I mention you when I say my prayers
I wrap you around all of my thoughts
Boy you're my temporary high
I wish that when I wake up you’re there
To wrap your arms around me for real
And tell me you’ll stay by side
Clouds filled with stars cover your skies
And I hope it rains
You’re the perfect lullaby
What kinda dream is this
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you (Turn The Lights On)
Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Somebody pinch me, your love's too good to be true (Turn The Lights On)
My guilty pleasure I ain't going no where,
Baby long as you're here
I’ll be floating on air cause you're my
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you (Turn The Lights On)
Tattoo your name across my heart
So it will remain
Not even death can make us part
What kind of dream is this?
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you (Turn The Lights On)
Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Somebody pinch me, your love's too good to be true (Turn The Lights On)
My guilty pleasure I ain't going no where
Baby long as you're here
I’ll be floating on air cause you're my,
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you (Turn The Lights On)
(Turn the lights off)
(Beyonce Knowles Sweet Dreams Lyrics on
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Britney Spears 3 MP3 Lyrics

Britney Spears 3 MP3
[Download Britney Spears 3 MP3]
Lyric Britney Spears 3:
1, 2, 3
Not only you and me
Got one eighty degrees
And I'm caught in between
1, 2, 3
Peter, Paul & Mary
Gettin' down with 3P
Everybody loves uuh
Babe, pick a night
To come out and play
If it's alright
What do you say?
Merrier the more
Triple fun that way
Twister on the floor
What do you say?
Are - you in
Livin' in sin is the new thing (yeah)
Are - you in
I am countin'!
1, 2, 3
Not only you and me
Got one eighty degrees
And I'm caught in between
1, 2, 3
Peter, Paul & Mary
Gettin' down with 3P
Everybody loves uuh
1, 2, 3
Not only you and me
Got one eighty degrees
And I'm caught in between
1, 2, 3
Peter, Paul & Mary
Gettin' down with 3P
Everybody loves uuh
Three is a charm
Two is not the same
I don't see the harm
So are you game?
Lets' make a team
Make 'em say my name
Lovin' the extreme
Now are you game?
Are - you in
Livin' in sin is the new thing
Are - you in
I am countin'!
1, 2, 3
Not only you and me
Got one eighty degrees
And I'm caught in between
1, 2, 3
Peter, Paul & Mary
Gettin' down with 3P
Everybody loves uuh
1, 2, 3
Not only you and me
Got one eighty degrees
And I'm caught in between
1, 2, 3
Peter, Paul & Mary
Gettin' down with 3P
Everybody loves uuh
What we do is innocent
Just for fun and nothin' meant
If you don't like the company
Let's just do it you and me
You and me...
Or three....
Or four....
- On the floor!
1, 2, 3
Not only you and me
Got one eighty degrees
And I'm caught in between
1, 2, 3
Peter, Paul & Mary
Gettin' down with 3P
Everybody loves uuh
1, 2, 3
Not only you and me
Got one eighty degrees
And I'm caught in between
1, 2, 3
Peter, Paul & Mary
Gettin' down with 3P
Everybody loves uuh
(Britney Spears 3 Lyrics on
View Video Britney Spears 3:
[Download Britney Spears 3 MP3]
Lyric Britney Spears 3:
1, 2, 3
Not only you and me
Got one eighty degrees
And I'm caught in between
1, 2, 3
Peter, Paul & Mary
Gettin' down with 3P
Everybody loves uuh
Babe, pick a night
To come out and play
If it's alright
What do you say?
Merrier the more
Triple fun that way
Twister on the floor
What do you say?
Are - you in
Livin' in sin is the new thing (yeah)
Are - you in
I am countin'!
1, 2, 3
Not only you and me
Got one eighty degrees
And I'm caught in between
1, 2, 3
Peter, Paul & Mary
Gettin' down with 3P
Everybody loves uuh
1, 2, 3
Not only you and me
Got one eighty degrees
And I'm caught in between
1, 2, 3
Peter, Paul & Mary
Gettin' down with 3P
Everybody loves uuh
Three is a charm
Two is not the same
I don't see the harm
So are you game?
Lets' make a team
Make 'em say my name
Lovin' the extreme
Now are you game?
Are - you in
Livin' in sin is the new thing
Are - you in
I am countin'!
1, 2, 3
Not only you and me
Got one eighty degrees
And I'm caught in between
1, 2, 3
Peter, Paul & Mary
Gettin' down with 3P
Everybody loves uuh
1, 2, 3
Not only you and me
Got one eighty degrees
And I'm caught in between
1, 2, 3
Peter, Paul & Mary
Gettin' down with 3P
Everybody loves uuh
What we do is innocent
Just for fun and nothin' meant
If you don't like the company
Let's just do it you and me
You and me...
Or three....
Or four....
- On the floor!
1, 2, 3
Not only you and me
Got one eighty degrees
And I'm caught in between
1, 2, 3
Peter, Paul & Mary
Gettin' down with 3P
Everybody loves uuh
1, 2, 3
Not only you and me
Got one eighty degrees
And I'm caught in between
1, 2, 3
Peter, Paul & Mary
Gettin' down with 3P
Everybody loves uuh
(Britney Spears 3 Lyrics on
View Video Britney Spears 3:
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