Friday, April 30, 2010

The Tinderbox!

This week in year four we have been reading a story called The Tinderbox. This incredible story is all about a soldier who meets a witch and the witch tells him to go down this humongous tree and get a tinderbox for her,also there is three dogs and three boxes of treasure and the dogs have different and not normal sizes.The witch also gave him a apron to put the dogs on. As I was saying , so he climbed the massive tree and inside the tree it was like the inside of a mansion! The soldier walked through the first door and he saw a dog with eyes as big as clocks on the treasure box of coppers. He took the dog and put him on the apron that the witch gave him and then he took as much treasure as he could.

Then he put the dog back in his position and entered the next room.The soldier walked through the second door and he saw a dog on top of the box of silver coins. He lifted the dog and safely put him on the apron. Then he thought the silver was better so he took the silver and threw the copper away and then took the silver. He then entered the next room and could hardly see the treasure box because it was fully blocked by a humongous dog with eyes as big as cartwheels.He picked the dog up and put it on the apron.Then he thought the gold was better than the silver so he took the gold instead.The soldier grabbed the tinderbox and he climbed up the tree... Buy the book to see what happens next!

By Tobi and Alina!

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