Angry moose attack dogsled led by 12 huskies. The attack came just a day after another moose broke into a children's clothing store in Lillehammer.
The two incidents were the latest in a string of unusual moose behaviour in Norway. The country has a large moose population, but the huge animals are generally shy and stay away from people and populated areas.
One more moose story
Moose attacked moose statue
A family had erected a statue of a moose in their garden, but a pair of the real thing apparently didn't approve.
Anne Marie and Lars Johan Tveten heard some noise one night last week in the garden of their farm, which lies in the heart of moose terrain. "We thought it was the clothesline that had blown down.
But when the couple woke up the next morning, "two moose were staring at us just a meter-and-a-half from our bedroom window," she said. The two moose then turned their backs on the Tvetens and wandered off into the forest.
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