Guess what is this? Comment & tell me the answer,don't be stupid & tell me it's a newspaper,I want specific answer. Btw this does look like a newspaper right? Aha if you just got confused you have really small brain :D
What's up guys? My 2 week holiday is gonna be over now,sad but also happy,I can't really stay at home all day,it bores me to death,anyways,I can always skip school whenever I want so holidays don't really matter,thats what happens when you have parents who don't really care if you go to school or not,lucky me.
I'm actually very boring,nothing much happened,I didn't go out with any friends except for my ex,I went for a short vacation with my second sister & ended up arguing & being emo,my parents flew back to my hometown in Kuching & never called home,none of my friends actually sms-ed me for a chat or called just to talk except for 1 person,a nice girl :) Well thats about it,2 weeks passed & I went to Melaka & after that nothing much really. #foreveralone
I'm gonna post up a new spring look,it'll look something like this....
I created this myself while browsing through Polyvore,it might be boring but I was just planning to look sweet this season,it's spring,nothing wrong with being a little bit girly & all flowery to me :)
Will be getting my results when school starts this coming Monday,wonder how will I do but I hope I'll do fine,wish me luck!
I'm in shoe mode right now,I've always been wearing flats flats flats & I have a tendency to think that as long as a shoe has heels,it ain't comfortable,thanks to my sisters -___- I wanna change my mind about that so I will be getting myself a new pair of shoes,a pair or 2?
I love Jeffrey Campbell ♥

A pair of booties? Or 1 of those very famous T-bar heels? I don't know,I'm in a dilemma. Help me if you can or suggest me something :) Got to know this amazing brand while browsing through Chictopia & seeing other girls wearing them. I like these a lot! Almost every1 wants a pair of these.......

And of course,I'm getting a pair of look alike's.
JC's are not available here & they are not affordable for a student like me,I'm just a 16 year old.
You guys know I'm skinny but I still wanna look great & more toned & have better posture,there is nothing wrong with me seeking for perfection. After browsing through so many k-pop videos on you tube & watching music bank last week,I'm attracted to these 2 girls,check their song out,it's so catchy & I'm gonna practice on the dance steps! :) I look up to them,they got barbie figures.

Girl crush,woots woots :D
I am into them right now & looking at them makes me wanna work hard on my bony body & get a better posture,gonna learn their dance steps & the song on my ukulele,bai!
Nia Leah ♥
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