(Photo via elementeden.com)
Florence Welch for NYLON US July 2011. This is my first ever issue & I love it. The graphics are awesome & they publish underrated stuffs unlike other magazines. The styles & beauty tips are cool & unique,they share good music,not mainstream & they have awesome stories & the way the writers write really keeps you interested. I'm an avid NYLON blog reader so I decided to get the real thing & best of all the words are not fucking censored since it's an American magazine unlike Malaysia. Ber-moral konon.

(photo via wiseredlips.blogspot.com)
Vivi May 2011. I always get my issues late a few months,it's because I either miss out on the latest issues,stocks come late,or I just decide not to get the current issue & reach home with a fuckNO feeling. But I knew I had to have this issue because the cover is fresh & it's the first time Tomochin is on the cover & I just love the cover & the colour,rare to see Vivi using green,so far I don't have this kind of cover so I want to add this to my collection,so spring! Some shots from the issue below.
Lena looks different like this,she's usually in dresses looking sweet.
(photo via headsolight.com)

(photo via stashionsense.blogspot.com)
I was surprised when I found out from google that Nicole Richie was on the cover of Vivi! I would freaking buy that issue if it's still available regardless of how much it'll cost. Awwww...I don't have it :(
(photo via fashionindie.com)
(photos via nicolerichiefashion.blogspot.com)
(photo via ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com)
(photo via chictopia.com)

(photo via twenty2.onsugar.com)

(photo via ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com)

(photo via nrichienews.com)
(photo via twenty2.onsugar.com)
(photo via ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com)

(photo via nrichienews.com)
It's the 2009 September issue. Old but every picture & style that she represents is eternal. I like her,she just looks so effortless. Almost everyone refers to her as their fashion icon. Especially the cover,first time seeing her so kawaii! Oh yeah,I need to get new lenses because my GEO's bc102 are gonna expire soon. Even though I love them I want to get a pair of grey's this time,because I'm aiming for the more mature western look approach,sort of like Chikako Watanabe. I fucking suck at saving cash lately,what I see I'll just splurge on it,gosh screw myself.
I don't have pictures lately,no camera,no phone,I got practically nothing! But *coughs coughs* (not to sound like an ungrateful teenager) I seriously need to get a phone & a camera,I don't need a dslr but at least a good camera in a phone because now is NOT a good time to spend money on tech shits,I need to start studying & doing exercises before it's too late. There's this sort of 1Malaysia concert that my school is organizing,I think I'll go,I need to be a good student & support my school. By the way,my mom is coming to school this Friday to take my report card,now I got that fuckNO feeling but nevermind lah..all I do is sleep in class anyways,most of the time I'm good. Bai!
Nia Leah
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