My best friend T ♥
I slept the whole day in class today,it was horrible,not only I feel bad for my teachers,I also felt horrible cuz of the lack of sleep & the pounding in my head. I'm gonna be super busy with books books books!! Even though I'm gonna have super holiday next week but I still gotta study study! No way I can study non stop the whole day but I have to study little by little,even though it's only trials but I still gotta do my best.
This dog's name is Cotton,I read about her from Paws mission blog,she's so bloody cute la! Made my day seeing her adorable face,she got a massage for being so cheerful & smiley, easy being a dog eh,I'm cheerful & smiley all the time & I didn't even get a massage -_____- I haven't been doing adverts or whatever for a long long time but thank god money is still pouring down my account,I don't focus on making money or whatever through blogging,I just blog for fun so it doesn't really matter. It's amazing how some pretty girls blog bout nothing,maybe about their recent trips to clubs & stuffs & they become so damn popular. Ahhh well I am still underaged & I'm not that ballsy to enter & sneak into clubs so I'm not gonna do that. Want to know how my skin is doing? Yes it's going great,thank God.
I'm just facing one of those moments where I don't know exactly what to think about & what to do,I'm lost.
Remember my small little plan to re-decorate my room? Yes it's still on,I am still gonna collect some interesting posters & pictures to cover up my whole wall,wrap my storage boxes with some wrapping paper,get a new bed sheet,some lamps,all that little things that a girl should have ♥
Check her out - Sarah Hyland
This chick has an awesome sense of style
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I am terribly tired of posting pictures of other people's style when I got my own things going on,aha. Can't wait for my freaking camera! One with a flippy screen! My sis got a new phone yesterday,she got herself a HTC Desire HD,know what I got? I got a handful of swag,I don't really care about phones but oh man living without a camera is just sad,I don't think I'm going for tuition,I feel lazy.
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